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What's outside of your picture window today?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (2464)

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Wow, I obviously should have enlarged the chipmunk pics. I didn't see what was actually happening there! Yikes! I can't believe the chipmunks eat birds! I have the opposite problem with the birds going after my sweet tree squirrels. The hawks and coyotes pick them off. The crows that like the walnuts I feed the squirrels sometimes get territorial and dive bomb the poor squirrels. I LOVE my squirrels! I have at least 10 that come by daily to visit. They rattle my front screen door to get my attention. They come running from 100 feet away like a dog to see me. If I make kissy noises, they come running down out of the trees or bushes to see me. If I'm standing outside and don't see them, they stand up with their paws leaning against my leg or tug on my pant leg to let me know they are there. Soooo cute! They take walnuts (their fave) soooo gently. They used to touch noses with my poodle and sniff her paws. They were fascinated by her since she didn't try to get them like the other dogs. I have young ones and three nursing ones hanging around so more will be on the way soon.

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Replies to "Wow, I obviously should have enlarged the chipmunk pics. I didn't see what was actually happening..."

Nice pics of your squirrels! I'm starting to see some of my favorite birds visiting the feeder. Have to run to the store today and get some more treats 🙂

@californiazebra, @loribmt, @johnbishop, @artscaping. and all...Cal, I had a love for squirrels when I went to college, here in Florida. We had buildings with internal open areas with trees and shrubbery and lots of squirrels. Hungey, active, 'friendly' squirrels. I fed them until one day as I was my usual walking to class feeding the cute things peanuts, one bit the heck out of my finger. I don't blame the darn squirrel, but myself for being so gullible. I had 2 full weeks of rabies shots in my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and those things hurt like crazy! I was bent over for over an hour, in tears and pain, after each shot, then got to go to classes and play happily with the stupid squirrels. Not my favorite since.....until now.
I have 7 birdfeeders and a couple of water fountains on my deck/patio. Surrounded by live oak trees, holly trees, water oaks and maples...and lots of pines. So, lots of squirrels. After acceptance of the inevitable, I enjoy their antics, chasing and eating my tubes of peanuts and sunflower seeds. They are happy to munch on the birdseed not meant for them, but I've learned some tricks of placement, and covering to help keep them focused elsewhere. Added safflower seeds for many other birds, especially Doves, and squirrels don't like! Goody. Helps.
So, we're more of a happy family now, but for the rat's invasion, I've been attacking. Doing better. The deterrent spray may help, not sure yet. Poison is a good thing for them!
Resting today as ferritin levels keep falling. Getting referrals from rheumatology, Mayo, to Endocrinology/Metabolic Bone Disease and Hematology. YEAH! Looks like getting some help with these issues soon....Blessings, all. Elizabeth