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A lot of your symptoms (but not all) are similar to when I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism from Graves’ disease. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease (as is celiac) and autoimmune diseases tend to come in clusters.

Heart irregularities, diarrhea, muscles twitches, restless leg syndrome, unable to sleep, fatigue, increased bp on standing, unable to regulate body temperature, unable to regulate mood were all symptoms for me.

These same symptoms can also be from some anxiety medications (Cymbalta for one example), are you on any meds?

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There is a history of thyroid disorders on my moms side of the family - She has Hashimoto’s and her mom (who we sadly lost last August) had Graves. Do you know what kind of testing is done for that? My doctor did run the standard thyroid blood test but I’ve heard that there are different tests? I’m not currently on any meds for anxiety, as I’ve had no success with them in the past (went through a major depressive episode with panic attacks the year before my celiac diagnosis).

I had another appt this morning and tons of urgent referrals were put in - Gastro, Neurology, Endocrinology and psychiatry (this has taken a toll on my mental health) and I still have my cardiology appt on the 16th. The doctors at my clinic agree that this is likely some form of POTS or dysautonomia but do no feel equipped to really help me, hence the referrals. They will also test me later this week to check my adrenaline/cortisol levels. It’s nice that they’re being proactive but I still feel very alone in this. There are only two doctors in my state that specialize in dysautonomia, and we know at least one is booked through 2024.