Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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Rice is good. I stayed away from fruit and vegetables in the first week or so. Canned green beans was my first vegetable. Very soft. Small portions of Pancakes, white rice, pasta, muffins, toast w/butter and jelly, and NO caffeine coffee/tea. It's like learning to eat an entirely different way. I lost almost 15 pounds in a month. Who says carbs are bad???


I made a big bowl of plain white rice. Anyone eat this and nothing happens? I need to eat something!

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Hi, I eat white rice and it goes down well. I'm suffering from trapped Air Pockets in my colon. A form of IBS, SIBO. I also suffer diverticulitis. Hope you feel better.


Hi, it's not easy to deal with flare ups. The times I suffered flare ups it was of something I was not suppose to eat. Especially, sugar, greasy foods etc. You'll kind of study your reactions to certain foods you consume.... feel better!


Rice is good. I stayed away from fruit and vegetables in the first week or so. Canned green beans was my first vegetable. Very soft. Small portions of Pancakes, white rice, pasta, muffins, toast w/butter and jelly, and NO caffeine coffee/tea. It's like learning to eat an entirely different way. I lost almost 15 pounds in a month. Who says carbs are bad???

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I always have one cup of coffee each morning, but now, since I only do instant coffee, I am using half a spoon to try to ween myself off of coffee. I suppose tea won't do either.
I actually fried eggs in olive oil and made a sandwich on white bread for breakfast. Just drank liquid all day until I ate more white rice for dinner. I hope I lose some weight also. I read that butter was bad to eat. English muffins didn't seem to agree but I love pasta with pesto. So far so good. Hope everyone on here is OK today.


Definitely avoids all NSAIDS as they can trigger flare ups. Otherwise I take 4 Metamucil capsules each day and try as high a fiber diet as I can tolerate. Broccoli and dried beans only in very limited amounts. My sister gets flare ups from peanuts. So we’re all different. And stress always can make things worse as our gut is part of our nervous system.


Definitely avoids all NSAIDS as they can trigger flare ups. Otherwise I take 4 Metamucil capsules each day and try as high a fiber diet as I can tolerate. Broccoli and dried beans only in very limited amounts. My sister gets flare ups from peanuts. So we’re all different. And stress always can make things worse as our gut is part of our nervous system.

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I used to eat broccoli, but no more since it really affects me. I was told to take 'A' metamucil, but I should try taking more. I'm actually trying to stay away from high fiber while I am having pain because I guess it means that something bad is happening if I have pain. As I do today! I should take a 1/2 pill tonight to make sure I can go to the bathroom tomorrow since I haven't in two days. Nor unusual for me! I only drank liquid for lunch today and ate fish, baked potato, and a slice of pound cake for dessert. I sure miss a real dessert. I did eat jello the past two nights for dessert. What else can I eat for dessert? Hmmmm, I wonder.


@maxine50 Wow, it's so difficult for you to find a healing menu. Your doctor should be on top of getting you comfortable and on the road to healing, whether you need antibiotics or more. Don't let up on seeing him. Make appointments once a month for three months in advance and keep seeing him/her until you have a plan. I did this with my new urogynocologist for my chronic UTI's... 10 in 12 months. She got to know me well and became vested in getting to the bottom of the problem. Get your doctor working or CHANGE doctors, making three appts up front.

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Such a good idea @maxine50 . I had kinda given up on seeing my Dr. more often. I will see if I can get in after my colonoscopy tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.


I used to eat broccoli, but no more since it really affects me. I was told to take 'A' metamucil, but I should try taking more. I'm actually trying to stay away from high fiber while I am having pain because I guess it means that something bad is happening if I have pain. As I do today! I should take a 1/2 pill tonight to make sure I can go to the bathroom tomorrow since I haven't in two days. Nor unusual for me! I only drank liquid for lunch today and ate fish, baked potato, and a slice of pound cake for dessert. I sure miss a real dessert. I did eat jello the past two nights for dessert. What else can I eat for dessert? Hmmmm, I wonder.

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Well, the half pill for a BM didn't work. Tonight I ate a peeled apple and a boiled potato with salt. Half hour later: Attack! The knife attack!! I now wonder if my colon doesn't like apple or potato. Time for another pain pill.


I have suffered from IBS, diverticulitis and spastic colon for many years. I have tried zillion things. Many doctors and tons of meds. Do not have celiac or gluten allergy.
When it flares up…I take at least for a week…
Sour dough bread slices for breakfast, lunch rice,
yogurt(1/2 cup twice a day)), fresh pineapple ( 4/5 pieces) in the evening. Late afternoon warm ginger, lemon and 1/4 teaspoons honey tea. If stomach is very spasmodic and pain full I take one tablet of Gabapentin. And most of all breathing exercises twice a day. This seems to help! 🤷‍♀️☮️


My doctors’ nurse has bouts of diverticulitis and she gave me great advice. When you feel an attack coming on cut out all roughage.
Stick to fluids, no dairy except a good probiotic yogurt. Be gentle on your tummy until the symptoms subside. Drink lots of water is the key and never allow yourself to get constipated. Mirolax if you do. I was eating all kinds of healthy roughage and taking Metamucil when I was having an attack. It made it worse. Once I started the kindness to my tummy routine I improved rapidly. Hope that helps.

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This is what I do too. If I feel it coming on I do broth for a couple of days until it passes. Has anyone ever had dark purplish blood in their stools and if so is that part of the diverticulitis symptoms?

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