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in reply to@lsugirl91 I have the same/similar condition that you described about your mother. I recently met with a hepatologist and will be having a ECRP later in the summer. The doctor told me she did not suspect cancer, but wanted to find out what was causing the ductal dilation. I too suffer from chronic nausea for which I take either Zofran or phenergan(which I like better because Zofran causes constipation). I would certainly ask your mother's doctor about the lesion and also get a referral to a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. I do not have the lesion you described, and for that reason I would highly recommend talking to the appropriate specialist about this problem your mother has. I also suffer from chronic diarrhea. Does your mother have this issue as well? I am supposed to have a fibroscan to check for hardening of the liver, but that is currently on hold while I deal with something else that has come up.
I wish the best for you and your mother. Having this problem is not a walk in the park by any stretch of imagination. Hang in there. It's not cancer until you know for sure.

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Replies to "in reply to@lsugirl91 I have the same/similar condition that you described about your mother. I recently..."

Hi Frances - thanks for the info. My mom is being seeing by a GI doctor, unfortunately her 3rd or 4th in the same group, all the other ones didn't want to "think outside the box" doing just stupid barium contrast tests or esophageal exploration saying her esophagus needed to be "stretched" so to say she was defeated and depressed is an understatement. Unfortunately where she lives none of the doctor's seem to want to learn more like in a big city (i.e. Dallas/Houston). Both my brother and I have offered to bring her to our cities but she didn't feel comfortable leaving home because of the possible diarrhea issues even though she wears pullups. She has battled both constipation and diarrhea for decades but it's gotten worse over the last few years despite she doesn't eat much (I tell her she doesn't eat enough to feed a bird). She survived by drinking Boost and other protein type shakes - we cut out all fibrous type foods thinking it was causing her stomach to "paralyze". She also takes zofran and/or phenergan - they help sometimes but lying down seems to really help the nausea pass. Also, She is a smoker still (moot point with her at this stage in life - LOL) and had bladder cancer 20 years ago so I'm sure the smoking plays a part.

She weighs 97 pounds (her avg. used to be 120-130) and looks so pathetic. I'm just praying good or bad they will be able to figure out what's going on and that begins tomorrow with the EUS. I will update when I hear more. Thank you and have a blessed day!