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Hi there, my mother is 78 and has lived with nausea almost non-stop for the last couple of years and significant weight loss. She had her gallbladder removed in 2019 which did nothing and due to the doctor nicking her in surgery causing a huge hematoma, she’s never been the same and has undergone multiple tests that can’t explain her nausea. Fast forward this year we were blessed that she found a PA who actually listened to her issues and believed her . So she ordered some tests the first was a CT that showed abnormal liver and biliary tract, then an MRI/MRCP on May 2nd, it showed “moderate intra and extra hepatic biliary ductal dilation and mild suspected pancreatic ductal dilation; question soft tissue lesion at distal CBD producing obstruction…further evaluation with EUS/ERCP recommended”.
She is having the EUC on May 10th with most likely the ERCP afterwards.

I don’t like surprises having had breast cancer myself 14 years ago so I am hoping I can find help in getting prepared. Is it a high possibility that she has some type of cancer?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you and God bless everyone struggling!

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Replies to "Hi there, my mother is 78 and has lived with nausea almost non-stop for the last..."

in reply to@lsugirl91 I have the same/similar condition that you described about your mother. I recently met with a hepatologist and will be having a ECRP later in the summer. The doctor told me she did not suspect cancer, but wanted to find out what was causing the ductal dilation. I too suffer from chronic nausea for which I take either Zofran or phenergan(which I like better because Zofran causes constipation). I would certainly ask your mother's doctor about the lesion and also get a referral to a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. I do not have the lesion you described, and for that reason I would highly recommend talking to the appropriate specialist about this problem your mother has. I also suffer from chronic diarrhea. Does your mother have this issue as well? I am supposed to have a fibroscan to check for hardening of the liver, but that is currently on hold while I deal with something else that has come up.
I wish the best for you and your mother. Having this problem is not a walk in the park by any stretch of imagination. Hang in there. It's not cancer until you know for sure.

It's fortunate that you found a medical provider that listened and pursued all of the leads. Seems like you found your way to an expert. Please keep in mind that if your Mom is diagnosed with cancer, treatment is available. If it is not cancer, wishing you the best of luck with diagnosis and treatment of the cause of the symptoms. Thanks for sharing your story