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Here is my diet which covers almost every day of the year.

Breakfast---a cup of coffee (no sugar) and two or three toasted bagels with whipped cream cheese on them. Sometimes I now only have coffee.
Generally little eating after that except perhaps a can of sardines in olive oil at about 1:00 p.m. Occasionally will substitute some unsalted peanuts.
Outside of the cup of morning coffee, I drink nothing else except sips of water frequently through the day. I never drink a whole glass of water as it seems to trigger diarrhea.
Evening meal: a large and I do mean large salad of cucumbers, grape tomatoes, apple and a colored pepper. I put vinegar on my salad in large amounts. I have a large helping of a meal that has whole grain pasta, Classico Cheese Alfredo sauce, sliced mushrooms and a third of a can of salmon or a similar quantity of chicken. With the chicken being the meat we add carrots and celery. We make a large pot of each either with the salmon or the chicken and I eat each three days in a row. in other words we alternate the base meat every three days. I finish with a serving of either cauliflower, broccoli or Brussel sprouts. I will later in the evening eat a few peanuts.

I take four vitamins--a Centrum silver, 4000 IUs of D3, 250mcg of B12 and 325mg of Ferrous Sulfate.

Not a lot of calories for sure but I function very well gardening walking about three miles a day with my dogs. I will nap for an hour and a half in the afternoon. my body has adjusted to this regimen. I eat no candy or sweets of any kind. I absolutely don't ever have a soft drink or fruit juice or milk despite my other dairy. I eat no processed foods. I occasionally will eat other seafoods as shrimp.
This may sound very dull but fortunately for me I have never been that big on sweets although I did used to love when much younger a Coke and a Hershey's chocolate bar. What i have learned is the body adjusts and after a while the thought of some of the "bad " things one used to eat are totally unappealing.
And I do get an octreotide injection every four weeks.
There is no way of knowing which of these things is most effective but I do believe strongly in few calories, plant based diet and seafood. Oh and I rarely have any alcohol. In the last five months I have had one glass of wine (wife's birthday), one glass of champagne (New Year's) and a small margarita (our anniversary). That is it. God bless you and help you. Oh, one last thing--I have worked exceedingly hard to not let anything stress me, even this situation. I have learned to roll through life now as if I am floating on a raft down a calm river, despite this health issue. I think letting oneself get stressed hurts our condition.

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Replies to "Here is my diet which covers almost every day of the year. Breakfast---a cup of coffee..."

Hi there! Your diet doesn't sound dull to me at all! I believe this diet or one similar is totally doable for me as well. I'm not a big eater to begin with and have a hard time keeping weight on, so I may have to add a few more calories to this diet but it is a wonderful base diet. Thank you for that! The hardest part for me would be to cut out sugar...I love my chocolate! But I've heard that cancer absolutely loves sugar, so I have been trying to cut down gradually...it's hard! ;-D
I love how you described dealing with stress, "floating on a raft down a calm river"! I will have to learn to think like you as I am a bit of a worry wart.
I truly believe that stress is part of what caused my cancer. I watched my big brother slowly die over the last 2 years, and I was with him the last 3 weeks of his life. He had brain cancer and passed away at age 67 last June. That, along with helping my Mama and helping her to deal with her grief has really taken a toll on me. She has been hospitalized 3 times since his death. The doctors say that stress is causing her body to shut down. I thought my symptoms (diarrhea only) were from the stress of all that, so it really was a shock to find out about my cancer.
I will stop rambling now. Thank you for your note...I truly got a lot out of it.
PS...do you have any side effects from the octreotide?

Thank you for the diet. I also have part of my stomach resected , so very small meals for me ( about 1/2 cup in size). I was eating cottage cheese for the protelin, but that is dairy :(. And oatmeal with almond milk and yogurt.
Just had my 3rd Lan injection. CT scan in June will be the gamechanger!
Thank you again and be well!💜

Thank you!! Be well!