Chronic Abdominal Wall pain

Posted by spiritusheart22 @spiritusheart22, Apr 24, 2023

Has anyone experienced CAWP- Chronic Abdominal Wall Pain? I have had this discomfort & swelling on my right side for 4 + months. I have had MRI, Cat scans, colonoscopy, exploratory surgery, bloodwork and all I hear from the doctors is “they don’t see anything “. I read it is one of the most frequently mis-diagnosed ailments.

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Hi Liz, The first trigger point worked amazing but only lasted a day or two. The next few shots were ineffective but the first shotit indicated that I had ACNES.

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Hi Jeff. I am having a hard time reaching Dr Eric Boyd. Can you send me his contact info. I reached Dr Gillespie’s office and they won’t see me unless I have been diagnosed with a hernia. Does that seem right to you. I am having such a hard time finding a doctor who can diagnosis my stomach pain (which I think is CAWP). Liz


Hi Jeff. I am having a hard time reaching Dr Eric Boyd. Can you send me his contact info. I reached Dr Gillespie’s office and they won’t see me unless I have been diagnosed with a hernia. Does that seem right to you. I am having such a hard time finding a doctor who can diagnosis my stomach pain (which I think is CAWP). Liz

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Hi Liz,
Dr Gillespie requires that you have been diagnosed with ACNES and that means you need to find a physician who will trigger point your pain area. Then when diagnosed with ACNES Dr Gillespie's office will schedule a consultation.
Jeff Groudan


Hi Jeff. I am having a hard time reaching Dr Eric Boyd. Can you send me his contact info. I reached Dr Gillespie’s office and they won’t see me unless I have been diagnosed with a hernia. Does that seem right to you. I am having such a hard time finding a doctor who can diagnosis my stomach pain (which I think is CAWP). Liz

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Dr Boyd no longer practices where I saw him. Many doctors or anesthesiologists do trigger points.


Dr Boyd no longer practices where I saw him. Many doctors or anesthesiologists do trigger points.

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Wish I could find one. Liz


Wish I could find one. Liz

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Have you tried calling pain management facilities? If you'd like to discuss email me at to discuss further.

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