Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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@stuckonu Thanks for this suggestion of home remedies . ONe I have for my neuropathy and arthritis in my feet is I soak them in Epsom salts bath make the water as hot as you can stand . Magnesium is good for the whole body feet included . Besides relaxing the feet it helps with neuropathy along with just stretching the toes.

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Yes, good point about the Magnesium - and the Epsom Salt Bath Soaks - I go full-body, either lavender or eucalyptus depending on time of day and worst/overall most prevalent type of pain - level- sensation...

In addition to Magnesium helping with the SFpN or any other Neuropathy, a former pain specialist- neurologist alerted me that Magnesium is also associated with Migraines (mine are Chronic Hemiplegic Migraines, but any and all are linked to a reduction in pain and length - as well as reduced onset - with the benefits of Magnesium... but don't get me wrong - I still have to go for my injections and take two types of migraine meds: abortives, both of them).

Last note here in case it is useful: one of my speciliaists and. Ican't recall which - prescribed me a vitamin B complex that I would administer each month as a shot -- and this, too, help in the severity of the migraines and the SFpN.

Oh! Apologies: whateveris in the vitamin compound called 'Cortisol Manager' is an excellent option if you have coterminous diagnoses that are linked to the changes in barometric pressure or humidity or temperature, AND

ALL of the ABOVE help to Combat STRESS impact on the severity of symptoms. For what it's worth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

All the Best, Everyone,

NMM (Nicole Marie)


Yes, good point about the Magnesium - and the Epsom Salt Bath Soaks - I go full-body, either lavender or eucalyptus depending on time of day and worst/overall most prevalent type of pain - level- sensation...

In addition to Magnesium helping with the SFpN or any other Neuropathy, a former pain specialist- neurologist alerted me that Magnesium is also associated with Migraines (mine are Chronic Hemiplegic Migraines, but any and all are linked to a reduction in pain and length - as well as reduced onset - with the benefits of Magnesium... but don't get me wrong - I still have to go for my injections and take two types of migraine meds: abortives, both of them).

Last note here in case it is useful: one of my speciliaists and. Ican't recall which - prescribed me a vitamin B complex that I would administer each month as a shot -- and this, too, help in the severity of the migraines and the SFpN.

Oh! Apologies: whateveris in the vitamin compound called 'Cortisol Manager' is an excellent option if you have coterminous diagnoses that are linked to the changes in barometric pressure or humidity or temperature, AND

ALL of the ABOVE help to Combat STRESS impact on the severity of symptoms. For what it's worth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

All the Best, Everyone,

NMM (Nicole Marie)

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All good points for magnesium don't let out how necessary it is for bones ,muscles and nerves it with calcium are needed by the body Vit B 12 very important as all the B,s are


Was asked by the physical therapist who I have been going to for several years to try a laser technology for my peripheral neuropathy. Because it is relative new, it is not covered by insurance. Anyone have any experience, good or bad, with this kind of treatment ?

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I have small fiber neuropathy in my feet with my biggest issue being super hot, achy feet. I tried ten sessions of acupuncture and each time she would also give me a laser treatment. All was paid out of pocket and did nothing to help me. But it was worth a try, everyone is different.


Try listening to sound therapy on you tube. Binaural beats from Good Vibes Miracle nerve regeneration delta waves helps me. It might help to play it without headphones and have your feet next to the speaker so the vibration reaches it better. It helps me an many others.


Correction the video I listen to the most is by Good Vibes Miracle nerve regeneration: Repair Nerve Damage Cell Regeneration- Pain Relief Binaural Beats Hope it helps.


I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet and ankles .I have tried so many different things. I started using
Wiseman Healing Balm which is 100% Frankincense . It has made a big difference . I bought it on Amazon. I am not saying to buy this product but I believe that Frankincense is the key a to relieving pain and numbness by at least 50%.


I have small fiber neuropathy in my feet with my biggest issue being super hot, achy feet. I tried ten sessions of acupuncture and each time she would also give me a laser treatment. All was paid out of pocket and did nothing to help me. But it was worth a try, everyone is different.

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Same. Hot & feels like I'm wearing a shoe that's a size too small, even when I'm barefoot. I find myself soaking my feet in cool water multiple times a day. It's the only thing that relieves the pain, if only for a few minutes. My pain doc suggested tens & laser too, which I considered but I'm tired of throwing money at a problem that can't be fixed. I really don't know what brand of neuropathy I have, since I haven't had a skin biopsy, but it's sensory, not motor. Not sure it matters because my neurologist just gives me drugs to sample. Settled on Gabapentin.


I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet and ankles .I have tried so many different things. I started using
Wiseman Healing Balm which is 100% Frankincense . It has made a big difference . I bought it on Amazon. I am not saying to buy this product but I believe that Frankincense is the key a to relieving pain and numbness by at least 50%.

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I never thought of frankincense although it is a good healing oil. I have some young living oil and I'm going to now do a bit of research on that. Maybe just a couple of drops on each foot will help me thanks


can't agree more about exercise, the more the better, especially with new arch support for my shoes. Good for my Eskimo's cushing disease too so we're out as much as possible. Also, noticing improvement in balance and foot fatigue since starting a regimen of lions mane and cordyceps mushroom tincture, locally sourced and compounded here by local mycologist in Richmond area. Also doing acupuncture program with electrodes added, so hard to know for sure which is working, but I try anything just to manage a condition I know is chronic. Never had pain; neurologist calls it multi sensory motor neuropathy. I know it comes from stress, anxiety and grief, the reality of modern civilisation, EMFs and a worsening anti-natural world. Meditation and QiGong help greatly. Lifestyle is everything, and simple, whole diet. Talking and sharing in forums like this also relieves anxiety; we are NOT alone. Take comfort in that. God bless.


I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet and ankles .I have tried so many different things. I started using
Wiseman Healing Balm which is 100% Frankincense . It has made a big difference . I bought it on Amazon. I am not saying to buy this product but I believe that Frankincense is the key a to relieving pain and numbness by at least 50%.

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I only find Wisemen balm Frankincense and Myrrh. Is that the one?

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