Pain still 1yr and 4Mth post Colorectal Surgery

Posted by jonj2488 @jonj2488, Apr 27, 2023

Januray of 2022 I had Colorectal Surgery. I had 6” of my colon removed. I have had pain and discomfort on and off since. Mostly the pain starts when I eat. I assume my digestive system kicks in and starts push older food through the surgery area and this is why i feel pain. It has gone away for a couple weeks and then back again some feel worse than others. I feel better when i’m in a laying position. Sitting upright is always the worst. Walking around helps a bit to. the pain is consistent and feels like heavy pressure.I have had MRIs post surgery when i felt like the pain was to much and something was wrong but have come back with no problems. I feel stuck and helpless waiting for something to go and rupture. I don’t know what to eat to help this. Doesn’t seem like the doctor has had any suggestion and that i can eat whatever i want. Will this ever end?

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I don’t know if I have a hernia again. It feels that I do. In June they fixed two hernias. They only saw one. I do have an opening that my transverse colon and cecum is pulsing through. That is what may need surgery though I will try to avoid this.
Hysterectomies also bring on adhesions.
I am working with a psychologist to realize that I have to live with the pain.

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I’m so sorry. That’s awful and I’m sure stressful. Are you planning on just trying to live with the pain? I’ve been using THC and CBD (MMJ card) and that helps a little bit. I use THC and CBD suppositories too which help a bit.

I’m seeing a psychologist for CBT for chronic pain. It’s not super helpful haha but it helps to talk to someone.


I’m so sorry. That’s awful and I’m sure stressful. Are you planning on just trying to live with the pain? I’ve been using THC and CBD (MMJ card) and that helps a little bit. I use THC and CBD suppositories too which help a bit.

I’m seeing a psychologist for CBT for chronic pain. It’s not super helpful haha but it helps to talk to someone.

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I have tried the therapists that insurance supports. They were horrible. Mine is quite expensive but does work.
I tried CBD and it didn’t help. I may need surgery as I live in Reno and med services are not good here. They don’t want an obstruction to happen. I have obstructions that pass so far.


I have tried the therapists that insurance supports. They were horrible. Mine is quite expensive but does work.
I tried CBD and it didn’t help. I may need surgery as I live in Reno and med services are not good here. They don’t want an obstruction to happen. I have obstructions that pass so far.

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Try THC combined with CBD. It’s more effective to use both at the same time. I hope that they can help you. Im so sorry you’re in pain


Hi jonj2488, I'm sorry you are having to go through this hell but it sounds exactly like what I am having since I had a partial small bowel obstruction 9 months ago. Doctors tell me to eat anything I want but I can tolerate only liquids and some soft foods. Pain, both abdominal and back, when upright and relieved when lying down. I take Miralax every day on doctors orders to keep things moving and I have daily bowel movements consisting of small (both in volume and diameter) stools.

I had laparoscopic lysis of some of the adhesions 5 months ago and it didn't help at all.

I see from this thread that a lot of people have the same trouble with adhesions and apparently no one has found a solution. If anyone has any suggestions I would be happy to hear them. This is not fun!

Good luck to you and to all of us who suffer with the consequences of abdominal adhesions


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