Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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@maxine50 Wow, it's so difficult for you to find a healing menu. Your doctor should be on top of getting you comfortable and on the road to healing, whether you need antibiotics or more. Don't let up on seeing him. Make appointments once a month for three months in advance and keep seeing him/her until you have a plan. I did this with my new urogynocologist for my chronic UTI's... 10 in 12 months. She got to know me well and became vested in getting to the bottom of the problem. Get your doctor working or CHANGE doctors, making three appts up front.


A couple of tablespoons of unflavored non-fat Greek yogurt with live culture before every meal has helped me in the past.


@maxine50 Wow, it's so difficult for you to find a healing menu. Your doctor should be on top of getting you comfortable and on the road to healing, whether you need antibiotics or more. Don't let up on seeing him. Make appointments once a month for three months in advance and keep seeing him/her until you have a plan. I did this with my new urogynocologist for my chronic UTI's... 10 in 12 months. She got to know me well and became vested in getting to the bottom of the problem. Get your doctor working or CHANGE doctors, making three appts up front.

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I did it Lucy: I googled what not to eat and found out that the reason I am in such severe pain is because I'm eating all the wrong foods. No doctor told me anything about what to not eat. Today, is the last day I will eat those foods, but my fridge is full of bad food, or delicious food. I think my neighbor will be happy to get all of it. Also, I have an appointment with a new doctor, a female, next week. Hoping for good things. Will ask lots of questions.


I did it Lucy: I googled what not to eat and found out that the reason I am in such severe pain is because I'm eating all the wrong foods. No doctor told me anything about what to not eat. Today, is the last day I will eat those foods, but my fridge is full of bad food, or delicious food. I think my neighbor will be happy to get all of it. Also, I have an appointment with a new doctor, a female, next week. Hoping for good things. Will ask lots of questions.

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Way to go.... you're taking control back! We need to be our own advocates. Best wishes. Let me know how the new doctor goes.


Today, I'm on a liquid diet only and I am now sooooooo hungry. Don't know what I can, or should eat.


I really like Activa yogurt shots. They are tasty, very small probiotic smoothie drinks with protein that can curb your appetite. I buy a case at BJ's and grab one when hungry, and when I was doing soft food diet at home. Not all brands taste good. I just tossed a dozen (ouch!) I didn't like at all. This liquid soft diet is going to work, Maxine!! You can do it. Get through the first three days. You got this! It's not forever. You're giving your digestive system a break it needs. Liquid, then soft... low fiber. Pudding, yogurt, clear broth soups, mashed potatoes, jello, pasta with a bit of butter, crackers (saltines in your broth soup), scramble eggs, pancakes, waffles. Small meals, yogurt shots in between. Check with a dietitian. This is what I did after the perforation.


I really like Activa yogurt shots. They are tasty, very small probiotic smoothie drinks with protein that can curb your appetite. I buy a case at BJ's and grab one when hungry, and when I was doing soft food diet at home. Not all brands taste good. I just tossed a dozen (ouch!) I didn't like at all. This liquid soft diet is going to work, Maxine!! You can do it. Get through the first three days. You got this! It's not forever. You're giving your digestive system a break it needs. Liquid, then soft... low fiber. Pudding, yogurt, clear broth soups, mashed potatoes, jello, pasta with a bit of butter, crackers (saltines in your broth soup), scramble eggs, pancakes, waffles. Small meals, yogurt shots in between. Check with a dietitian. This is what I did after the perforation.

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Thanks, it sounds delicious. I will start doing it. Today, I had my slice of pound cake before I took my vitamins with a bit of weak coffee and a banana for desert. I have an avocado waiting with an English muffin that I will try to eat this afternoon and see what happens.


Wonderful! I'm thinking about your success!


Wonderful! I'm thinking about your success!

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Well............don't think the english muffin with avocado toasted liked me. I made a big dish of white rice. Drinking my liquids again all day. Hope I lose a few lbs.


I made a big bowl of plain white rice. Anyone eat this and nothing happens? I need to eat something!

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