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I’d like to tell you I’ve been successful, but it would be a lie. Despite trying Weight Watcher’s which has always been my go to in the past the number on the scale won’t budge. I had my daughter try the scale cause I hoped it was broken😵‍💫I was diagnosed with lower extremity lymphedema 2 months after having Covid in September 2022. Even though I’m now controlling the swelling in my feet and legs, the scale won’t move. Tried the Lymphedema diet. No gluten, no sugar, no white rice or potatoes, but no weight loss🤨🤔😞I am sticking with it though cause it’s healthy and it has eliminated the bloating feeling I was having after meals.
Thursday I am going for a consult at UF Integrative Medicine. They have a Post Covid Recovery Group. I’ve been waiting nine months for this appointment. I’m struggling with being out of breath on walking across a parking lot or slight exertion. I had applied to the Mayo Post Covid Recovery Group and got accepted verbally until they told me to bring my positive PCR test results from when I was tested for Covid. I told them I used the free government tests and didn’t use a PCR test, so I was referred to UF. Praying for some answers and suggestions on Thursday. I also have gained weight in the abdominal area which is a first for me. Wondering if there is a test that can determine microclotting. I did have an ultrasound of my legs, which showed lymph fluid , but thank God no clots. I also had an echocardiogram which was normal.

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Replies to "I’d like to tell you I’ve been successful, but it would be a lie. Despite trying..."

Does Mayo have an online support group, or is it only in person? Thnx.

For your legs what did they tell you or give you for the lymph fluid? I am going through the same thing and my legs hurt so much.