← Return to Success with low dose naltrexone for Autoimmune disorders

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My daughter and I were both in a research trial using LDN over 15 years ago. Both of us have autoimmune challenges. Sadly, the primary researcher died before publishing the research results (car accident...no LDN involved :)). My own, biased results are that, after an initial period of interesting sleeps (vivid dreams) and some rashes, I found that joint paint was significantly reduced, I was MUCH more mobile and slept better at night (maybe due to fewer aches). My daughter showed some helpful improvements as well. I'd have to find the box that holds the seemingly zillions of blood and urine and stool tests from before and after to try to make clear sense of this. We both continued on the LDN afterward for a few years. Interestingly, I chose to stop after an unfortunate incident with a hive/swarm of yellow jackets resulting in over 40 stings on my body. After that, each time I took the LDN, my lips tingled uncomfortably and swelled a little. To be conservative, I did not wait this out and sadly discontinued. My daughter had a surprising reaction around that tie as well, when exposed to agave (which we'd been told to avoid during the testing period but encountered as a hidden ingredient in a food). The primary investigator's best guess when consulted by our physician was that the stings affected my immune system, which changed my response to the LDN. I can't remember why the agave was contraindicated while using LDN. Neither of us had any other reactions that seemed linked to the LDN or were negative in any way. I often think of returning to try this now that my arthritis is significantly more impactful on my daily living but haven't had time to check where the research stands now. Hope this is helpful to someone.

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Replies to "My daughter and I were both in a research trial using LDN over 15 years ago...."

Yes, this is very helpful! Thank you!

thanks much for the information. Do you recall what doses you and your daughter were taking?