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I wanted to go to this clinic. I called and was told my insurance wasn't accepted. If you go without insurance they require a $5000 deposit just to walk through the door. I decided I couldn't go. Ironically, the other two clinics in MN and ? do accept my insurance. Go figure!

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Replies to "I wanted to go to this clinic. I called and was told my insurance wasn't accepted...."

That seems so odd, but no matter. Your insurance will work at 2 Mayo Clinic locations and that is FABULOUS news! I went to the program in Jacksonville, FL. Have you considered it? The Dr who started the program in MN is here!! And he is incredible; had me laughing through even the heavy stuff. Think about it!!! There is a beautiful place on the Mayo campus you can stay for $40 per night and there are other good options as well. The caveat to stay at Gabriel House on campus is you need someone with you. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you. I've gained so much from PRC, that I decided to extend my stay after the clinic was over 2 months ago and yesterday, decided to make Jacksonville my home. These Mayo Drs, nurses, therapists, team members!!!! And the friendship /support of others who live here who've been through it made the decision easy. I've got my fingers crossed for you that you can make this work!!!!

Just for gee whiz information - what other clinics in MN did you check out?


Hi Samson, I misread your post initially and thought you found a different clinic altogether. If one Mayo Clinic accepts your insurance, they all should. To clarify, the Mayo Clinic has 3 locations -Minnesota, Arizona and Florida.
All 3 have Pain Rehabilitation Centers (PRC) and offer the pain rehab program.

Here is more information about the Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center including accepted insurance and a link to apply:
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/pain-rehabilitation-center/sections/costs-insurance/ptc-20481890

Also, here is a specific link to insurances that are accepted:
Insurance types accepted at Mayo -
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/billing-insurance/insurance/accepted-insurance

I hope this helps. Please inquire further into the program if you feel you can benefit from this type of rehab. It truly is a life changing experience. Are you willing to share more about why you'd like to go? Which Mayo location would be nearest you?