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@helloitsme I had my pre chemo visit at Mayo Phoenix yesterday.
Had some blood work done and reviewed the results with one of my NET specialist oncologist doctors. I am healthy enough to start my 9th cycle of CAPTEM chemo today. Yay!

I was diagnosed with stage 4 NET pancreatic cancer that spread to my liver on August 22nd 2022. The diagnosis was terrifying. I had been getting progressively sicker for over 2 years before that. The NET tumors were blocking my pancreas and liver from functioning properly. I am 57, 5'10", diabetic, and went from 280 pounds to 140 pounds. Now, those tumors are half their original size. The over 200 lesions on my liver have stabilized or shrunk. My diabetes isn't really an issue anymore. My wife and I just went for a three mile hike. I am a healthy 175 pounds. My one NET specialist oncologist, I actually have 2... yes 2, recently told me that she didn't think that I was going to make it when we first met. That is how close we've become. Complete honesty. She is family. My wife eventually told me that she felt the same way too. But, the NETs and my Mayo care team, really saved my life. It is inoperable. So what. The chemo can still make me feel crappy. So what. It is only a couple of days. And, I won't have to take it every month forever. I was so scared and sick when my cancer journey began. My Mayo care team, led by the amazing Dr. Sonbol, have taught me so much. What makes them so special, they listen. They care. They are human. After Dr. Sonbol told my wife and I the diagnosis, he was telling us "our" options and things "we" might do. I asked him to dumb it down for me. He was using words that I didn't understand. I also told him that I learn best with pictures. He pulled out a blank piece of paper, drew a picture of what was going on, explained it, then showed us the scans and related them to his picture. It started to make sense.

Please lean on me for help. Lean on the support team here. Covid delayed my diagnosis and treatment. You were smart enough to get the PET scan. You are so far ahead of where most of us start. Please, please, please relax. At least try.

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Replies to "@helloitsme I had my pre chemo visit at Mayo Phoenix yesterday. Had some blood work done..."

Lean on all of us for help, many of us have been on this journey for months, years, and decades fighting NET. You can do it to! I see your going to Mayo in a few weeks, and presently taking Lanreotide. That is good. My wife handled the Lanreotide shots well, as maybe some slight diareha at first, but her CAP/TEM chemo could of just easily caused that. I copy with @tomrennie said about you are way ahead of where many of us started. As in Tom's case we had too many tumors on liver to count, and mass on pancreas, and after 9 cycles, she was able to have surgery and remove most all of it, to hopefully make it only a mtn. item going forward. So calm down , we got you 🙂 they team here is able to help you with any questions you have generally about NET. You got this!

Your story is amazing, and I am so happy for you! I love hearing stories like yours that really give me hope and calm my nerves a bit. I have heard that Dr Sonbol is a wonderful guy. And yes, I believe that I will have to ask him to dumb it down for me, too. This medical speak is spinning my head! :-D. Good luck and continued good health to you. Keep up the good fight!