60 yr old male-Diverticulitis with fistula passage to bladder

Posted by tomm1347 @tomm1347, Feb 22, 2023

I'm a 60 year old, and what I thought was a very healthy male all of my life.
No smoking, drinking, on no meds, never overweight, annual physicals...etc

On Christmas day I had severe abdomen pain. Never felt pain there before or since then.
In Mid January I developed pain / pressure during urination. Family Dr thought perhaps prostatitis, so he put me on an antibiotic. One day I was urinating and after I was done air began to come out. Dr checked urine and red flags went off. He referred me to a Urologist. After numerous appts , CT scan....etc they found severe diverticulitis and fistula passage to the bladder. I met with the surgeon yesterday and surgery is scheduled 4/3 due to his availability. I've been basically disabled since Jan.

He warned me of 3 outcomes after resection.
-robotic surgery with repair and resection. 1 week recovery
-if more severe, possible ileostomy w/ 6 week recovery
-worst case colostomy w/ 6 months recovery
Obviously I'm praying for #1

Looking for a member with the same or similar issue please.

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I am trying to make the decision to have the surgery. I have severe diverticulosis. It’s at the point now that pain is constant, even though I don’t have infection. Choices for food very limited I’m nervous I’ll wake up with the “bag.” Drs say have it now while it would be easier surgery or probable emergency surgery later. My diverticulosis was diagnosed when I had a routine colonoscopy. The other responses provided me with comfort knowing the success. Hope your surgery goes well.

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Hi jules10. Sorry you’re suffering from this horrible disease. Maybe worth getting a second opinion regarding surgical procedure. I would not be nervous about the “bag” following surgery, normally only temporary for a few months while the colon heals. I received laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy eight months ago (73 yrs) and doing fine at this point, back to golf/ bowling, actually feel like it never happened. The only two things I would like to pass on to you , first try to have laparoscopic if possible the recovery is so much easier than open and second, select a colorectal surgeon/facility that performs this type of surgery on a regular basis. Thoughts & Prayers!


yes, he advised that if he had to take out more of my diseased colon, I would probably have to have a colostomy bag. Fortunately, I did not.

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ok, thanks again for the support.


Hi jules10. Sorry you’re suffering from this horrible disease. Maybe worth getting a second opinion regarding surgical procedure. I would not be nervous about the “bag” following surgery, normally only temporary for a few months while the colon heals. I received laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy eight months ago (73 yrs) and doing fine at this point, back to golf/ bowling, actually feel like it never happened. The only two things I would like to pass on to you , first try to have laparoscopic if possible the recovery is so much easier than open and second, select a colorectal surgeon/facility that performs this type of surgery on a regular basis. Thoughts & Prayers!

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Thank you so much!!! I’m soon to be 71. I’m good health other than this stuff!! I have been asking lots of questions. My urologist and gastroenterologist have weighed in. Both agree with surgeon. My surgeon does nothing but gastro surgeries, have researched her. She did say it would be laparoscopic. She is with a reputable hospital. I think it’s just me 😁. Thank you for the encouragement!!


Hi Tom, My perforation was not associated with the bladder. The perforated material (abscess) went into my abdominal area causing "free air" and quite a bit of pain. I was in the emergency room thinking the pain was from urinary retention. I was actually hoping that I had a fistula into the bladder and that diagnosis would answer the question of why I had monthly UTI's. So, they did look for a fistula, but there wasn't one. I truly can understand the pain level you are experiencing and identify with biting down on a towel. I'm sorry, but with the surgery, that will be gone! Positive thoughts are the BEST. I worried about the "bag" and was told it would be a possibility. It wasn't necessary. I did have a small drainage pouch for 7 days... more of a nuisance, not a crisis. It speeds up healing by drawing fluids from the surgical site.

To those who question to wait on surgery, I want to add that I would not recommend the emergency room approach. The infection from a perforated colon is very serious. I was in the hospital for seven days and on antibiotics for 45 days before they did my resection. Also, once I was recovered from surgery, 4-8 weeks, I was able to eat foods I hadn't been able to eat for years. No pain, no running to the bathroom.

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Thank you for sharing and advice to do surgery sooner rather than later. Glad you have recovered so well!!


I am 70 and had a robotic resection of a perforated sigmoid colon due to diverticulitis with an abscess on December 14th. At the ten week mark, I can say I'm eating better than I have in decades. Before surgery I had irregular bowel movements, now very regular. During the first two weeks, the recovery was frustrating. I had to be near a bathroom or accidents might happen. Each day got better. My surgeon said that the body learns to adapt to the colon resection...Not to worry. He was absolutely right! I wish I had more faith during the recovery. It would have saved me from all the anxious thoughts of being "OLD" before I was ready to give up my active life. I'm back at the gym, getting ready for golf season. You will be better than ever!

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I am 70 yrs old. In 3 months I will have sigmoid colon surgery, I have diverticulitis with fistula. Also, I have copd, however I am on 2 liters oxygen. Has anyone else had surgery with copd?


I can’t get an answer of what is going on with me in my stomach, bladder, vaginal ph balance and colon. Odors that come from each area I smell and other people as well. I work as a cashier and talk to children to the elderly and pets! Love to help and greet but this issue is a problem that I can’t find an answer to. Comments from the customers send me into a depressive state I find it hard to work or stay positive. What I eat can offset everything I listed above and summers I hate! I cannot get heated or hot or have a bowel movement at work because I cannot get rid of the smell! I wear pads for leaking bladder that smells like a pissy alley or something. I don’t know where to go or what to do and the killer part? I’m on government or state health insurance. Pain wrecks my body in joints and muscles and now I have headaches all day everyday and a positive blood work and blood have been in my urine for years! I’m getting ready to turn 59 years old so they can’t blame it on a monthly cycle because I haven’t had one for 5 years or more. I feel like I’m left to die and have no advocate to help because no one takes me seriously and when I die nobody will know the exact cause or even care because it will be forgotten and so will I. I’m looking for someone in the Mayo Clinic for help because I know I’m going to die for something that can be possibly prevented. Even if not, I may know what’s going on inside that’s causing so much chaos! I know I’m not suppose to put up with this. There has to be an answer and I know there is a doctor or Hospital that can help? But where and will they help me? Can they help me?


I can’t get an answer of what is going on with me in my stomach, bladder, vaginal ph balance and colon. Odors that come from each area I smell and other people as well. I work as a cashier and talk to children to the elderly and pets! Love to help and greet but this issue is a problem that I can’t find an answer to. Comments from the customers send me into a depressive state I find it hard to work or stay positive. What I eat can offset everything I listed above and summers I hate! I cannot get heated or hot or have a bowel movement at work because I cannot get rid of the smell! I wear pads for leaking bladder that smells like a pissy alley or something. I don’t know where to go or what to do and the killer part? I’m on government or state health insurance. Pain wrecks my body in joints and muscles and now I have headaches all day everyday and a positive blood work and blood have been in my urine for years! I’m getting ready to turn 59 years old so they can’t blame it on a monthly cycle because I haven’t had one for 5 years or more. I feel like I’m left to die and have no advocate to help because no one takes me seriously and when I die nobody will know the exact cause or even care because it will be forgotten and so will I. I’m looking for someone in the Mayo Clinic for help because I know I’m going to die for something that can be possibly prevented. Even if not, I may know what’s going on inside that’s causing so much chaos! I know I’m not suppose to put up with this. There has to be an answer and I know there is a doctor or Hospital that can help? But where and will they help me? Can they help me?

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Praying you get some help🙏🙏♥️


I am 70 yrs old. In 3 months I will have sigmoid colon surgery, I have diverticulitis with fistula. Also, I have copd, however I am on 2 liters oxygen. Has anyone else had surgery with copd?

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I don't think the COPD will affect you during surgery since you will be asleep with oxygen and resting. However, you did write the word fistula which makes me concerned because my gastro after the colonoscopy told me I had Diverticulosis and a fistula but didn't tell me where it is or if I should be concerned about it. I don't even know what it is except I think it's a hole in me someplace. I think I should be worried.


I don't think the COPD will affect you during surgery since you will be asleep with oxygen and resting. However, you did write the word fistula which makes me concerned because my gastro after the colonoscopy told me I had Diverticulosis and a fistula but didn't tell me where it is or if I should be concerned about it. I don't even know what it is except I think it's a hole in me someplace. I think I should be worried.

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My fistula is noticeable when I pee. I only seem to notice when I'm not well hydrated. Otherwise, it doesn't bother me.

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