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Brain Health: Keeping your brain active

Aging Well | Last Active: May 14, 2023 | Replies (113)

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I, too, am 88 years old. Right now is hard for me because my husband died. We were married for 59 years. Then a couple of months after I had to have a complete hip replacement. I have a wonderful therapist. So slowly, slowly I am getting better. I also read a lot and do crossword puzzles. I live independently in our home and can drive. Which is good because it is a 23 mile drive on the freeway to get to my doctors. My brain seems to be functioning well and most people are surprised to find out how old I am when they meet me. I base it on the fact that for many years I was a race walker. I worked until I was 67 years old. Then I went from race walking to walking. Exercise is crucial. I need to start walking again. My hip has healed enough so I can walk outside with a walker. The reason I continue to use the walker is because I am afraid of falling. That is the only time I use it. Inside I still feel young.

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Replies to "I, too, am 88 years old. Right now is hard for me because my husband died...."

It is so good to use the walker to ease the fear… I was in a straight leg brace for 5 months but walked ALL the time… I replaced the wheels on my walker with “off-road” walker wheels that are much bigger, with thick rubber tread and it made the walker so much easier on pavement … easy to replace the original wheels… just Google “off-road walker wheels”!

Hi "thisismarilynb",
Good for you! Just keep trying. I love your determination and that's what it takes. My husband passed away 20 months ago, and I know it is an adjustment, but we both know that new challenges are good for us. Walking is good physically, mentally and emotionally for us. The fresh air, sunshine and body movement are all helpful . We notice things in nature that we might not otherwise observe, like birds, butterflies, ants, trees and flowers. Being sedentary is harmful. A good therapist is very helpful too. Your being cautious with the walker is smart. I'd say keep using it until you can go a little ways without it and then gradually increase the distance. At our age, it takes a bit longer. Living alone in your home and driving are good. It causes you to make decisions that the two of you made together before. I know from experience. I use the computer, I Pad and a new I Phone to communicate with my children and grandchildren. All of these things challenge my brain.