← Return to Blood test shows very High ammonia 78 high normal is 30.

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Good afternoon Susie,
His Depakote may be the culprit. Has the ammonia ever been increased since being on Depakote prior this this?
Also I think Tonic-Clonic seizures often increase ammonia levels but don’t know for how long. Did he have a seizure prior to having blood drawn?
I hope you keep us informed.

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Replies to "@sgboster123 Good afternoon Susie, His Depakote may be the culprit. Has the ammonia ever been increased..."

They do think depakote is culprit, hadn’t had a seizure for 2 months when blood was drawn but we have been concerned about excessive sleepiness and some cognitive impairment so doc ordered ammonia level … never in 8 yrs of epilepsy has any doc mentioned or ordered this level. I do recall pediatric Neuro had him on L-Carnitine supplement “because depakote is hard on liver “ so I will try to get him to take this again. Anyone else take it? I understand it is to help w cognition, memory and focus (which he now takes an ADD medicine for even though was never ADD before epilepsy and depakote)