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While I don't think prolapse is my own problem, there is so much good information in this discussion for me.. I am 76 year old woman and having vginal and vulva issues for the first time in my life. It is difficult to find any information for women of age about any of this, so I'm thankful to learn about anything pertaining to my latest problems. This all began with me when I developed a discharge that just wouldn't go away.. my doctor treated me for chlaydia, but it didn't help. so we treated it again, again no help. Then, to my horror, he tested me for all the STDs, and they all came back negative.. so at that point we pretty much gave up. Later, I had a tooth crown that needed work, so my dentist prescribed penicillin for that first.. Lo and behold, the discharge went away.. Now I've had 2 more bouts of the penicillin and each time it has cleared up the discharge for a few months. With the last bout of med tho, I developed my first case of yeast infection. I used an over the counter vaginal cream for that.. but still the tender burning vulva continued. My sister told me to try coconut oil, so I'm using that now and it does relieve the pain.. still I need to use it every day it seems.. Okay, I can do that! I never knew old age brought on so much pain and discomfort "down there"!! I would like to hear what other older women have to say about it..
and thank you all so very much for being here.. I feel like I've found more sisters!

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Replies to "While I don't think prolapse is my own problem, there is so much good information in..."

Hi, @hotfooted - glad you are feeling like you have found more sisters and that the posts here in this discussion are useful, even though you've not had prolapse. Your post made me think of a discussion on Connect you might also be interested in checking out, on chlamydia https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/problems-after-chlamydia.

Also, you might be interested in this Mayo Clinic information on that same condition https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chlamydia/symptoms-causes/syc-20355349

@gardeningjunkie, I also had a hysterectomy at the time of prolapse repair, and I had rectal prolapse repair at the same time. I, too, would say the hysterectomy recovery was harder than I expected. Or, it might be accurate to say the recovery from the whole thing was harder than I expected. The surgeon and his nurse told me several times that this was "major surgery," but I don't think I really knew what that meant, as I'd never had a surgery in that category. I tried not to take the oxycodone in the hospital, as my husband thought I was so goofy on it, and this prolonged my hospital stay trying to control the pain. At home, I also found it was important to be really on top of the pain meds, and my husband would help me by setting alarms for me to take my next dose at first till I felt a little better and could manage this more on my own.

I'm now seven years out from my surgery, and I have noted a bit of falling back down of my bladder (I can feel it, since I got so attuned to the feelings in that area before my surgery). I went to a urogyn nurse practitioner in my surgeon's group, and it has fallen down partway, but not entirely like before. I'd had the situation where it was bulging out the bottom and I could only walk kind of like a cowboy prior to my surgery. Now it feels like some days I notice the bladder down further (than it was right after my surgery), and other days I give it no thought at all. Not sure if it actually varies, or if it's just my focus at the time. I also still wear a pantyliner every day, cause I think it helps me psychologically after dealing with the leakage I had before surgery, and every so often I leak just a tiny bit.

@gardeningjunkie - how far out are you from your surgery? Sounds like you are symptom-free now?

I am free of chronic yeast infections affecting my internal vulvae tissue. I have used anti yeast pill , like Diflucan on and off for years if I had the vaginal yeast issues with discharge. I am talking about a different type of yeast infection. It lives inside the vulvae tissues. No discharge, just burning. I never though of diet until I saw a different OB/Gyn doctor who said the key to killing yeast is starving it. Yeast needs sugar to live. I resisted doing this for a year. Then I came across an old book at a library sale by Dr. William Crook, "The Yeast Connection". Simple and straight forward and not complicated like other anti-yeast anti-inflammation diets. I followed his 2 month yeast detox diet and have been so successful I will follow it for life. Going on 5 months now. After the 2 month kill off it is less restrictive, but still no processed sugar or gluten for life. Also limited gluten free carbs and limited foods containing natural sugar like fruit. The 2 month detox is brutal. Zero carbs and zero sugar both processed and in foods like fruit. After 6 weeks the chronic swollen, red and burning vulvae became normal tissue again. Yes, lots of meat, fish, poultry and vegetables
Amazing results after decades of issues. I would tell myself while depriving myself of food, "When will you learn it's going to make you burn"?

No money for drug companies to market a deprivation diet. Plus I kid you not, you will need will power. I never went on a food restriction diet in my life as I never had a weight problem and was surprise how hard it was. Even with a full stomach of healthy foods you crave the sugars and carbs.

I do believe one has to be miserable to have the will power to experiment with diet change

@hotfooted - are you still having the trouble you mentioned some time back with the tender burning vulva?