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I’m new just tonight but I would think that if there are products that would make a difference to our situations, it would be great to know that. I dont mind as long as it isn’t a pushy experience.

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Replies to "I’m new just tonight but I would think that if there are products that would make..."

A good urogynecologist can recommend a pelvic floor therapist. (I’ve seen 2 urogynecologists and many p.t.s over the years, as my situation stabilized and then became worse.) As you know, some health professionals are much better than others.
Get a 2nd (and 3rd?) opinion if an MD is recommending surgery, and get it outside of the practice/hospital where you received the 1st opinion.
...many techniques/tips I can share if you have specific concerns/questions.
I have a stage 2 anterior compartment prolapse.

@sulli The main products that I am aware of are various medications that help with urinary incontinence. There is a device that is not widely available, I believe that's for fecal incontinence. For urinary incontinence, there is a device called a "sling". I knew one woman who said it was a Godsend, but others who don't feel it helped much.
I'm not sure what you mean by a "pushy experience". Could you please elaborate a bit?

@coralbells1 I too recently had pelvic floor physical therapy. referred by a urogynecologist at a major teaching hospital. It definitely did help, but I have not seen as much improvement as you have. I can now "hold it" better than I used to, but I still wake up numerous times a night for bathroom calls. I have fewer problems during the day, particularly "latch key incontinence", a specific type of urge incontinence.

@mslw I believe it's always a good idea to get a second opinion with someone outside of where you received the first opinion. Good advice for this and for anything where you want a second opinion.

@baxtersmom Your surgery was Sacrocolpopexy for prolapse. Am I correct in thinking that your prolapse was more than typical incontinence? I'm just trying to figure out my potential options, if I do proceed further. Thanks.
Also, I thought I was spelling your name correctly but for some reason it was not picked up by the system as it usually is.

Hello, @sulli - I wanted to add my welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Sounds understandable you are looking for what might make a difference in your situation. Wondering if you might share a little more background on yours? Do you have a bladder or other prolapse?