← Return to Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

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Hi @artistandtwin. I am so sorry you have endured all that but so grateful you shared it to give realistic expectations to everyone. I had a meltdown from my journey since Dec 2021, posted couple days ago I think🙃. Many covid created issues such as lung ct verified ground glass opacities and nodules, brain mri verified lesions and benign growth with likely future surgery required, lab test verified pituitary and thyroid destroyed, long covid doctor diagnosed POTS, PCP office verification of fevers unknown origin & Post Exertional Malaise, Sleep study verified Apnea, and so many other daily challenges that I still find myself holding furniture or the hallway walls. I have had indescribable random pressure and headache head pain since the beginning and have yet to reach the right doctor as Im still working on seeing cardiologist as priority. Pacing, PT, ST, and daily alarms for everything ie eating, pills, only 5 min up for getting food/bathroom/ small task and my house has not been cleaned but its just me and very grateful Im still here and able to be in my home. I hope sharing this gives roadmap for others seeking treatment and your efforts have given us all inspiration to keep going🌈 Thank you!

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Replies to "Hi @artistandtwin. I am so sorry you have endured all that but so grateful you shared..."

Hi, @law59. Hang in there! Keep pushing for answers, pushing for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th opinions until you finally find out what's all going on. I don't even care any more if every new doctor I meet thinks I'm a hypochondriac or a lunatic. I KNOW my body and I do NOT exaggerate. I AM tough. I think they're just used to people who go in there and complain about every little sniffle and ache or pain ... to the point that they're numb to the symptoms we're sharing about truly DEBILITATING, seemingly UNENDING, MYSTERIOUS symptoms that all started with covid. When you find the right doctor and diagnosis(es), you will know it. And you will finally start getting better! Keep the faith.

Please do get sinuses checked as well CT or MRI.
You really have a tough time but believe in your inner strength and I believe you’ll pull through.