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I did some PT for my prolapsed bladder, but I unfortunately was one of the percentage of people who "fail" that treatment. I evidently have very poor coordination of my pelvic floor muscles, and when asked to clench one would clench another, and so forth. I think at times the physical therapist may have thought I was kidding in those instances, but I actually was trying really hard to do as I was asked. Required a lot of concentration on my part. So, eventually I learned from my therapist that I was deemed to have failed this therapy (I always think of it in terms of a treatment failing the patient, though). My understanding is that pelvic floor PT is helpful for many women with prolapse, however.

@contentandwell - the pessary is used to push the bladder back up so that it is not protruding out of the body or not putting pressure on the opening and feeling uncomfortable. This Mayo Clinic information on pessaries shows some of the types https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/urinary-incontinence/multimedia/pessary-use/img-20006056. I've tried the ring type.

After I finally had the surgery to correct the prolapsed bladder and rectum, my urogynecologist actually suggested just what you are saying, @coralbells1: he said he tells all his patients to take a fiber supplement powder daily (I take the clear, tasteless kind in my morning coffee).

@astabenno1990 - sounds like your prolapse surgery and recovery went really well. Do you think about it much anymore?

@pizon - where are things at with the nerve damage now after your correction surgery?

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Replies to "I did some PT for my prolapsed bladder, but I unfortunately was one of the percentage..."

Hello and thank you for asking I am 7 weeks out of the removal of the 2 eroded stiches I am better but I still feel as if I am sitting on a ball some days are worse then others I have just started back to stretching and kegals.....I wish I never had the surgery it has left me with nerve issues and pain all on the left side of my hip/pelvic area....I did 2 yrs of p/t which helped before the surgery I no longer have pelvic floor muscle spasms...the dr.'s say within 3 to 6 months I should be 80% pain free...I go to Dr. Marvel the nerve specialists in Dec so I guess time will tell .... I am just trying to live with it...all the nerve pain meds they give me make me very groggy the next day that I can't function and the inns. co will not approve lyrica so I am using herbs that take the edge off and cbd oil dose help me to sleep ... so yes I am better but still not right I guess time will tell...if you can live with your prolapse I suggest not to have the surgery

@lisalucier at this point I am wondering if, as you commented, the treatment is failing me. I am trying but I am not noticing much difference at all
This thread is a wealth of information. It led me to drop a note on the portal to my urogynecologist yesterday to ask some questions.
Lisa, you said it was months before you felt recovered from the surgery. Is that typical?