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Hello Maisie,
I am sorry you have to deal with the discomforts of pelvic floor dysfunction. It is frustrating to find informed answers for sure, as there is much misinformation and partial information out there. Because of the different ways pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic floor prolapse can manifest, Tanglefoot's recommendation to seek the opinion of a specialist is a good one. A differential diagnosis is imperative in making the right decisions while moving forward to get answers. I would recommend a Uro-Gynecology center. These teams of clinicians include specialized physician assistants, specialized physical therapists and nurses, specialized gynecologists, and very specialized surgeons. A comprehensive center will provide good patient information, which helps you move forward and have some level of informed control. In order to gain a complete perspective on your needs, specific tests must be performed. These tests provide functional and physical measurements. Before any treatment and surgical decisions are made, the information from these tests must be looked at and considered by a team, with the patient included. There are various treatment options out there, but these treatments need to be targeted and accurate, or they may not work. Surgery is always the last option, as outcomes are never perfect. So the scale must be weighed in carefully. Please do not feel self conscious about this topic. This is an important topic, and one's day to day life can be devasted by the varying degrees of this condition. Hang in there and don't be afraid to ask questions and advocate for your future.

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Replies to "Hello Maisie, I am sorry you have to deal with the discomforts of pelvic floor dysfunction...."

Upartist - You have given us a well written reply and one that I appreciate. Thank you.