← Return to A Gut Feeling: Long COVID and GI symptoms

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I had covid in Jan 2020 and have been sick ever since. Caught covid again in May 2022 and I was vaccinated one year prior with Pfizer vax but second round of covid was worse even though I was vaccinated.

Covid causes Dysautonomia in some people, like me. Dysautonomia has a large category of illnesses of the Autonomic nervous system, including POTS and other heart related, BP, pulse related, breathing and bowel problems too.

Three in a half years of being sickly and feeling sick every day YET NONE OF THE DOZENS OF DOCTORS IVE SEEN KNOW WHAT TO DO. Blood work comes back normal yet I feel like death warmed up.

Dozens of Doctors I’ve seen are clueless and give me no ideas how to fix all this. Many doctors seem apathetic or refuse to admit covid or vaccine caused all this. They want to blame it all on anxiety. Bulloney.
Covid and or the vaccine has caused me 3.5 years of heart problems (skyrocketing BP, arrhythmias, erratic pulse levels), lung problems (I now have asthma and get short of breath), bowel issues with IBS, constant nausea etc due to covid or vaccine or both.
Total lack of energy YET I’ve done EVERYTHING to improve my health YET NOTHING WORKS.

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Replies to "I had covid in Jan 2020 and have been sick ever since. Caught covid again in..."

You have described my life.
I have been sick with long covid since 2020 as well. In January 2021 I got the Moderna vaccine and I hadn’t recovered from it a month later but my primary care told me that I should get the second vaccine as well. Three days after my second vaccine I was in the hospital with severe chest pain. Long Covid has reactivated my Epstein-Barr virus. I also have dysautonomia. Most doctors want to shrug it off as ‘depression’. It is so frustrating! I have tried many different supplements and I am super sensitive to medication‘s, caffeine, etc. Nothing seems to work and I have all of your symptoms but I think the worst of all at this point is the profound exhaustion and PEM. My primary care doc basically washed his hands of me because I won’t go on anti depressants. I did try one earlier on and it just made me even more fatigued. I have not worked since Fall 2021 as I passed out at work on a few occasions.
I wish someone would help us.
No one understands… I feel abandoned by people who used to be friends. We can’t give up hope!

Sounds too familar!!!

Hi Joanne,
I could have written your post. Everything you wrote is so true. Since I got Covid Dec 19, 2021 my world has been turned upside down. Lots of medical issues, medical bills , lost wages ect. and still you are so right no one has any answers for all of this . Covid brought on a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis and I have been dealing with this for 1 1/2 years. two hospitalizations later among with many other Emergency room , urgent care, clinic visits , tests , scans , later and it is easy for them to give you a drug that makes your disease worse from all the side effects and then they all ask you if you are depressed , who would not be having to deal with all of this , and the fatigue which is something else. No energy, and I would give anything to be able to eat normally again. All they have to offer is more steroids which is not an option for me any more, after fainting and falling on the floor twice at work , I am lucky I did not break any bones or split my head open. I just said no more. I am done with all the drugs. Someone has to have some answers for all of this . This is not fault , but we are treated like it is, we did something to cause this or we are just plain old crazy, I have even heard I am aging, maybe this is cause of all this. Dont give up hope..we have to keep going, and take a day at a time..sometimes its a minute at a time and keep going. I volunteer for studies, maybe that can help someone else down the road. I guess we can be grateful as i know people that did not make it., or are in worse shape than me. What I would not give to be able to eat a hamburger , an order of fries and a Pepsi..maybe someday. Please take care and thanks for your post..you were right on. Sincerely..kitty2