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Recurring breast cancer and rash that is spreading

Breast Cancer | Last Active: May 16, 2023 | Replies (20)

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Please, please, ask your doctor if this inflammatory!
I only say this because if it is, time is of the essence. If it is shingles or something else preventing you from having treatment, that would be difficult and painful, it not the bad dog of breast cancer.
Do you have access to those pathology reports or a patient portal? Like @californiazebra i am wondering if there might be a large cancer center or teaching hospital near you?

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Replies to "Please, please, ask your doctor if this inflammatory! I only say this because if it is,..."

The rash was biopsiesd and diagnosed as locally recurring breast cancer.
We’re told normally immuno therapy helps and it did lol the weaker cancer cells ay first but the stronger triple negative cells duplicated and made more. We’re told the surgery will be intense as the torso is covered and a lot of skin would be removed. We have been referred to another medical oncologist that will let us know if a trial drug is an option.