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After a bout with covid in 2022, I experienced low oxygen levels which lead to a flair up of a heart condition diagnosed in 2014. At that time I was placed on Carvedilol 3.125 and stayed on till 2016 when I successfully went off and managed my BP by lifestyle changes.
With the low oxygen my heart didn't work right and I developed severe edema. My PCP put me on Carvedilol (3.125) and lasix. It took a week or so but once I got on oxygen 24/7 I did start to improve.
I saw a cardiologist who upped the carvedilol to 6.25 and added Entresto as well. All went well for a few months, until a new cardiologist put me on Metoprolol. Ok for about a month then I started having chest discomfort, really low BP and pulse in the low 40's. I told my cardiologist and asked if I could go back to carvedilol and the NP agreed.
That was a month and a half ago and a follow up appointment they wanted to up the dose of both carvedilol and Entresto adding Spironolactone.
Now, I have been having unusual symptoms, tingling in the hands, joint pain, pins and needles feeling in the arm and feet. Blood test all say everything looks good. Just saw my primary who said how well my blood test looks and see ya in 6 months. I read how this side effect plus others symptoms I experienced but put off to my age, are signs that I can't tolerate carvedilol. I wasn't sure if maybe it was the Entrusto, so I had stopped that several weeks ago. I even went back to the low dose of 3.125 on Carvedilol but the symptoms continued and are steadily getting worse.
My doctor (cardiologist) notified me just yesterday when I
told him what was going on that he wants me to half my dose of carvedilol for 5 to 7 days and stop for 5 to 7 days and to watch my BP and let him know.

I've stopped carvedilol before in 2016 and it was really hard. Panic attacks, elevated BP, experiencing anxiety and fears. I didn't really wean off but just stopped at that time. It was like all my negative emotions was on and firing for a couple of weeks. Not something I am looking forward to going through again but if I can not tolerate a medication my body is telling me it does not like it and to stop. I need to listen to what my body is saying.

As for my oxygen situation, I no longer need it doing great at 98/96 with out and my heart is as good as it was before getting covid. But once my lungs started giving my body the oxygen it needs that was when that my body started rejecting the medications.

Has anyone else had problems with carvedilol, Metoprolol, or even entresto? And does anyone have any suggestions to help me as I taper off carvedilol. I figuring reducing my stresses, and no salt or processed foods is a good start.

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Replies to "After a bout with covid in 2022, I experienced low oxygen levels which lead to a..."

From eirrol— for me cardvedilol was a nightmare. I was on it for 3 weeks with no problem. Then bang, suddenly I felt nauseated,dizzy, head burned, heart literally hurt. Thought I was going to pass out. Managed to lie down. An hour later I took my bp and it had soared but heartbeat was down to 49. Emailed my doc. He told me to immediately stop it. He said I could not gradually come off because it was doing more harm than good. Anxious days. A month later I wen to a cardiologist and had echo cardiogram. Technician and doctor said my heart is strong and so are valves. I will never take Carvedilol again and that was the tiniest dose. That was my experience.