← Return to Dose anyone else feel like neuropathy is taking over their life?

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I wouldn’t be afraid of the disability application process. If you have ALL your medical records, just be prepared to spend a long time in front of the computer working on the government application. There are areas to describe your physical changes. You’ve done a great job describing them on this forum. If they need more information, they will contact you. You will also get periodic updates. Be prepared to input exact dates! The more info you give up front, the better your responses.
I applied BY ACCIDENT. I was applying to get my SS benefits at age 62. The line of questioning led me to the disability application. I was approved on the first try. In addition to the disability payments, I also was able to get Medicare early, which is a blessing.
Have a friend help you with it if needed. But you won’t know until you try.
The disability money is yours. You have been paying into it, and it sounds like your illness would certainly affect your ability to keep working.

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Replies to "I wouldn’t be afraid of the disability application process. If you have ALL your medical records,..."

Yes, this is all good advice. The timeframe between my first meeting with an attorney and finally applying for disability was about 2 1/2 years. I was lucky to have good union benefits to bide me time until I did have to apply. Nonetheless check your resources that may be available to you, your HR dept, disability attorney, dept of social security. They all will give you the steps & info to receive your benefits if your entitled to them. julbpat is right I used an attorney thinking there would be denials & appeals in a long process, but I was approved in about a month. Bottom line it's hard to do certain jobs when health issues rob you of so much