Invasive breast cancer: What's next?

Posted by pegg1970 @pegg1970, Apr 17, 2023

I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. My patho report only said that. What Dow this mean? What’s next? I’m waiting for a call from a surgeon to make the
next plans

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Biopsy, stage, grade, MRI? surgery, lymph node biopsy, then depends what kind ONCO test, then depends
What kind, radiation, chemo? AI’s
Mine was Invasive spread outside of the ducts -ve lymph node
node 2B ER +ve
All Scary not a journey really


@pegg1970 I am going to make a guess that this is not the pathology report but a summary of said report. There should be a lot more details forthcoming.
This is a horrible way to find out, I am so sorry.
Is this in a patient portal? Are you comfortable calling your doctor and asking them for the actual pathology report, you will want this information many times during information gathering?


@pegg1970 I am going to make a guess that this is not the pathology report but a summary of said report. There should be a lot more details forthcoming.
This is a horrible way to find out, I am so sorry.
Is this in a patient portal? Are you comfortable calling your doctor and asking them for the actual pathology report, you will want this information many times during information gathering?

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As far as I know it was the pathology. All I got from it was invasive mammary cancer, estrogen +and progesterone Neg. Tomorrow I see a surgeon amd will hopefully find out more.


A complete pathology report would have that information, plus more.
It would have the her2 status, and type and grade. If they removed the whole tumor, it should also include the size.
I will be crossing my fingers for you tomorrow, will you come back and let me know what you find out?


Hi this is probably the scariest time but once you have all the details you will feel better. Some cancer start in the ducts or lobules of our breasts and when they leave those spots they call it invasive. They will tell you what kind you have and what your treatments will be. Then you will know what to expect. Usually they run tests so they can stage everything and give treatment accordingly. Thinking if you and you will get thru this. I had invasive cancer and am doing well.


Got my results 2 days ago..invasive carcinoma stage 2..I'm 53 my little sister 3 years, same thing but not invasive. She was little brother Las year 46 ,died of leukemia after knowing 2.5 weeks. My oldest brother 5 years ago ,prostate cancer, he was 55 then.. my 2 siblings cancer free now..It's alot to take in..I'm opting for mastectomy, I really want them both gone..hopefully they there a possibility of a double mastectomy.


Got my results 2 days ago..invasive carcinoma stage 2..I'm 53 my little sister 3 years, same thing but not invasive. She was little brother Las year 46 ,died of leukemia after knowing 2.5 weeks. My oldest brother 5 years ago ,prostate cancer, he was 55 then.. my 2 siblings cancer free now..It's alot to take in..I'm opting for mastectomy, I really want them both gone..hopefully they there a possibility of a double mastectomy.

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There is a discussion about this, and I will hope that you can get some support there as well.
If you decide you really want a mastectomy, your insurance has to cover it, and don’t take no for an answer. It is ultimately your choice.
Have you discussed this with your doctor?


I am 56 and was diagnosed at stage 3 invasive her 2.
I am 1 year from my double mastectomy and sentinel dissection (23 lymph nodes) and after radiation and preventative chemo (14 rounds) cancer free since surgery and now being monitored every 3 months for 5 years!
I feel amazing today after a long 15 month journey
Be courageous and your journey and results are yours not some one else’s story! So find your own with the best oncologist and surgical team!
I delayed reconstruction and that will be May 8 2023.
I went golfing yesterday and hope to get back into kayaking end of august! Full motion of both arms, my new normal is beyond what I thought!
Be you and be courageous


There is a discussion about this, and I will hope that you can get some support there as well.
If you decide you really want a mastectomy, your insurance has to cover it, and don’t take no for an answer. It is ultimately your choice.
Have you discussed this with your doctor?

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Hi,I live in nz, fully funded. Meet with breast center next week for treatment plan..I will insist on double mastectomy, thank you..

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