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My wife has been sick for 2 weeks

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Apr 19, 2023 | Replies (5)

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Hello @blaflamm, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry the VA hasn't been much help for your wife. I don't have any medical training or background but it sounds like your wife has what is called Traveler's diarrhea. Mayo Clinic has some information along with some treatment, lifestyle and home remedies that might be helpful.

"Traveler's diarrhea is a digestive tract disorder that commonly causes loose stools and abdominal cramps. It's caused by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. Fortunately, traveler's diarrhea usually isn't serious in most people — it's just unpleasant."
--- Traveler's diarrhea: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/travelers-diarrhea/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20352188.

Did her doctors mention or suggest any treatments to help?

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Replies to "Hello @blaflamm, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry the VA hasn't been much help for your wife...."

Maybe a worm?