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Bienvenidos, @encarni. I moved your message to this existing discussion:
– What can I expect with Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/aps/

I did this so you can read previous helpful posts and connect easily with other members who have experience with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) like @sunshine71 @nicholas94 @cornwalluk @nicholas94 @paktoledo @lininmd @hopeful2023 @wig @uytna @shani @beesmom and others.

Having lived with antiphospholipid syndrome for over 10 years, I'm sure you have much experience to offer members. What symptom do you find the most challenging?

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Replies to "Bienvenidos, @encarni. I moved your message to this existing discussion: – What can I expect with..."

Muchísimas gracias por ayudarme. Yo actualmente tomo anticoagulantes, mi problema es que me da frecuentemente isquemia transitoria,y tengo un micro ictus. Aunque no hay ninguna secuela. Suelo padecer dolores frecuentes en espalda y el cansancio suele acompañar. Pero la actitud, el autocuidado, descansar lo suficiente y amarse mucho a una misma, es la clave para llevar esta enfermedad bien. Y sobre todo moverse, hacer yoga, caminar, nadar. Y RESPIRAR LA VIDA. Me gustaría saber qué efectos tienen ustedes con el síndrome antifosfolipido el mío es primario. Gracias y ánimo para seguir adelante

I’m very tired, exhausted too! I have APS and I’m on medication and being seen by an oncologist. What do I do ? Or should I say what can a doctor do for me and my extreme fatigue?