← Return to Triple Negative Breast Cancer: What treatments are you having?

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Thank you so much for sending your diagnosis and treatments for the Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast cancer. I was in treatment this am (April 14th) with Keytruda, a 30 min. drip every 21 days. I will be having a biopsy of cancer in my liver. Will reply when I have biopsy & results. bemar5513

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Replies to "Thank you so much for sending your diagnosis and treatments for the Stage 3 Triple Negative..."

Hi @miles5513, I moved your question to this existing discussion on the same topic:
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer: What treatments are you having? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/triple-negative-breast-cancer/

In addition to @seathink, you can easily connect with other members talking about triple negative breast cancer treatments, like @thielmann1 @kk57 @olg1 @dolphina3 @lnlowe70 and many more. Click the link above to read through previous posts.

How are you tolerating Keytruda so far? Or was today your first infusion?