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Tortuous colon. Surgery or not?

Digestive Health | Last Active: Jul 15, 2023 | Replies (19)

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Hi, Sally. I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I haven't had a pelvic floor study done -- did your ob-gyn do that? I've had a sitz marker study done to gauge transit .. and I have a story to go with it. My GI had me taking Mira lax and two citrucel caplets every day for more that a year when she ordered the study -- ordered because even though I have copious loose bowel movements every day, there is a trouble spot in that redundant, torturous transverse colon where some stool just lays there, so she calls it constipation. I was instructed to discontinue the miralax and citrucel for the 5 days of the study and not to take any laxatives. First day X-ray showed the sitz marker rings travel well thru small bowel; second and third days X-rays showed them bogged down in my transverse colon. By the third day I was in such miserable discomfort, bloating, grotesque distention that I cheated and ate coconut butter (a natural laxative) which prompted an enormous bowel movement. Of course the next day the X-ray showed that the markers had passed all the way through to the sigmoid colon. Because of that, my GI concluded that I have normal transit speed -- I didn't tell her about the coconut butter.
You're right, it's a huge surgery. But I completely resonate with you that we can't live our lives dictated by our colon. For me, it's the debilitating pain, which feels like stage 6 labor pains, and the specter of another 6 cm volvulus sending me to the ER. You're prudent to get a second opinion. It will give you confidence that you're doing the right thing, whatever that choice winds up being. I made a note of the two meds you mentioned. My GI gave me linzess, but it only caused me watery diarrhea.
Please post any updates if you can, and I will do the same.

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Replies to "Hi, Sally. I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I haven't had a pelvic floor study done --..."

Linzess and Trulance also gave me watery diarrhea. I just started Mestinon last night, so we’ll see if that’s any better than the Bethanichol.
The Colo-rectal surgeon actually was the one that ordered the anal manometry, but I imagine it could be ordered by any dr. There are a number of tests that can determine it. Actually, a simple rectal (😖) exam can tell if you’re able to push, squeeze and relax muscles on command. The tests just a more definitive number to the strength and whether your brain is able to communicate with those muscles. I always just question accuracy bc I’m always so anxious and embarrassed when having them done. How can anyone relax in that situation and try to isolate those muscles and perform like a trained monkey on command? Push, now squeeze, now relax! All while a probe is up your butt and two technicians are staring at you!

I have a redundant colon and constipation ….It’s very difficult to have bowel movements without the gambit of triphala powder ,magnesium ,slippery elm…And did you mention coconut butter…How much coconut butter to take for a bowel movement???And when to take it …Morning or evening..Thanks…