← Return to Dose anyone else feel like neuropathy is taking over their life?

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All my doctors get frustrated with me because I don't want to try new meds. I've just had too many serious reactions from a number of meds. Sometimes they trigger long term issues. Sometimes my reactions aren't even listed as a possible side effect. My cardiologist once told me he almost reported my scary reaction to the pharmaceutical company. It was serious. Why didn't he report it? Did he not believe me? If he doesn't trust me then I don't trust him. That told me why the unusual reactions are not listed in warnings -- because no one reports them. He said he would ask the drug rep if my reaction was possible. It was possible because it's what happened. Asking the drug rep who makes his living selling the drug is like asking the fox if the hen house needs more security. I also resist surgical treatments for fear of complications. Bad experiences. I'm just always the unlikely exception. My oncologist said I wouldn't have the scary heart reaction to a cancer med, only 4% get it. I did. I told him of the scary reaction I was feeling. You're fine he says. Then he did an EKG as is protocol on this med and he had to eat crow and tell me I had the rare reaction that causes you to drop dead. He had to lower the dose. He said I wouldn't get a collapsed lung from a biospy, only 10% chance. I did. You won't get painful keloids scars from the mastectomy. I did. After another lung tumor ablation -- I think your post-op symptoms are normal. After a week of fatigue and breathing issues, xray showed I did have a partially collapsed lung -- again. The stories are endless from different specialists and conditions. My body just overreacts to everything. Afib is another side effect of one of my cancer drugs, but I don't want to be on meds after the last drug or have any surgical intervention. I believe meds will just lead to new problems.

I'm frustrated, but can also understand why my doctors get frustrated. I'm not ever a textbook case. Not every doctor likes a challenge. I'm sure many of you feel the same way -- always the exception to the rule. I go in, get a diagnosis (sometimes) and then I decline meds and procedures that may or may not work because I'm scared to try them. It seems I just want them to wave their magic wand and fix me -- that's safe. I get it, that's frustrating to a doctor. So, I usually end up not seeing various specialists anymore because we're at a standstill. Same situation with my neuropathy. Sometimes I'm just relieved when we have a diagnosis and then deal with it as best I can. Past that, I need a miracle. Best of luck to all of you in finding your perfect treatment for your pain. Can't wait to hear what it is!

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Replies to "All my doctors get frustrated with me because I don't want to try new meds. I've..."

I am so sorry you feel so unwell with the neuropathy. I know this illness can make one feel so discouraged and helpless about every thing in life. I know, because I feel the same as you many times. I have neuropathy in both my hands and feet and while I am lucky not to have the pain the numbness and tingling in them is so disturbing. My feet are both dropped and with the neuropathy in them I am unable to stand or walk by myself now. I became a handicapped person overnight due to chemo.
I lost my independence and selling my car was a sad day for me. Three years later I am still dealing with the after effects of this illness. I have come to the conclusion that
nothing can cure this thing and the best we can do is to take it one day at a time and be grateful for family and friends who love and understand us. I am seventy five years old this month and nerves can take a long time to heal so time is not on my side. So just know, there are a lot of us out here who feel just like you do. In writing this, I hope it makes you you realize you are definitely not alone with all your feelings and difficulties with life.
Hang in there and write a note in this forum when you are feeling down. So many others will share their stories with you to make you feel better. Hugs