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I have not had a lower lip biopsy but I did do the 2 week Flurouracil treatment.
It was not pleasant, but is a good treatment.
My lip is still healing and my doctor said that I will probably have to repeat it some time later this year. I'm always keeping an eye out on my lower lip for anything that looks like squamous cell. I have 4-month follow-ups. Also, I just had 2 biopsies (arm/leg) that came back pre-melanoma, so I am going to have to have those very small moles removed with stitches. Keep getting skin checks and following the treatment protocol, as well as looking for any changes on your lip. Please let us know what your recommended treatment is after the biopsy.

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Replies to "I have not had a lower lip biopsy but I did do the 2 week Flurouracil..."

Why did u choose FLUROURACIL over laser
or light or other treatments?
I am dealing with small breaks in my lip skin that
get enter with Vaseline but
Come back if I stop Vaseline. Something is wrong.
Anything u can tell me would be greatly appreciated.