Living with metastic prostate cancer: Any positive stories to share?

Posted by olsente @olsente, Feb 17, 2023

Diagnosed with metastic prostrate cancer Nov17,2022, the cancer had already spread to my pelvic bone, lymph nodes , thoracic spine and throughout my bones fracturing 11 ribs, and to top it off 3 tumors in my head 1 of them behind my right eye causing vision problems. I started chemo Nov 28 ish , I’m on casodex and get the Lupron injection! My symptoms were back pain and I had seen multiple doctors through middle summer/fall! These doctors had me on physical therapy , accupuncture, 2 specialist stated I needed surgery on my back, they filled me with pain meds..not one doctor did series of blood test! Only test was an X-ray! My wife took me to mercy hospital Nov 11 in Buffalo because I was in so much pain and could barely walk. Within 4 hours in the ER the doctor told us they were quite sure I had cancer and would need to admit me run a lot of tests along with getting me healthy enough to go home.Sure shit I was admitted for 13 days,, then the day after my first chemo I ended up back in the hospital for 7 more days, I have had so many blood transfusion due to my counts being so low, a Foley catheter was put in me as well because I couldn’t urinate! I still have my catheter in and am doing my chemo! Does anyone have anything positive they can share with similarity!!! I am having my wife write this due to my vision

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I was just diagnosed a with Stage 4 a few weeks ago. I'm 54. I am now taking Abiraterone and Prednisol. Next week I get my first shots of Xgeva and Lupron from my oncologist at Phelps in Westchester. What meds have you taken that have been so successful? I'm learning so much, so quickly about something I never expected

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I am 63. I was diagnosed with stage 4 in 2018. I had surgery, chemo, radiation, and Lupron. I made 4 yrs. cancer free. However, the beast just returned. I am reacting to your post because I am surprised that you have not been scheduled for surgery or chemo. Am i reading that correctly? You are just taking meds?


That's correct. Just the meds at this point. I am happy my doc is avoiding the surgery. I'm currently being treated at Phelps Hospital in Tarrytown NY but I have a meeting with a doc at Sloan Kettering in Westchester to explore a different treatments that I heard about from about one of our PC "brothers".


Here's my clinical history, nine years since diagnosis. The chart shows a PCa that is aggressive, GS 8, PSADT and PSAV, time to BCR after surgery...

It also shows an aggressive approach I with the support of my medical team have taken.

There is a tendency when first diagnosed both by the patient and their medical team to determine life expectancy and use that as the time frame when making decisions, especially when you're diagnosed at a younger age.

What I have learned is to approach treatment decisions from a five year window. If it works for 3-5 years, great, I've lived and enjoyed that time period, for example, my wife and I are travelling to Iceland in late June this year.

The growth in treatment options and imaging since I was diagnosed in January 2014 have been exponential and more are in the pipeline. With the advances in research, particularly in genetic markers and individual treatment options based on those genetic markers, we are entering an era of tailored treatment vice population based medicine.

Do your homework, seek out a medical team that advocates for you.

Here's "my rules...!"

1. Please know your stuff.As a member of my medical team, you should have a thorough knowledge of my cancer and of the latest developments in research, and be ready to formulate a plan of attack. 

2. Please do your homework.I expect you to have reviewed my medical records prior to my appointment. You have looked at my x-rays; you have my pathology report; you know how many children I have. In the world of cancer care, every scrap of data must be scrutinized for its significance.

3. Respect my point.  of view. Leaders listen to all sides thoughtfully before reaching a conclusion.With patience and finesse, I am sure you can help me to feel confident about the plan you have shaped for me. 

4. Be curious. Do not close your mind to new hypotheses and don’t ignore clues that might lead you toward the best results. Please rid yourself of the temptation to make your day easier by delivering perfunctory care. 

5. When it’s decision time, decide! If you think treating my cancer is not worth it; if you think I am at the point where I should stop chemotherapy; if I have veered off the path you have cleared for me—then speak up! Care for me with a dogged determination to get me healthy and do not keep any secrets that might lead to regret. I want an oncologist who knows what is best for me and doesn’t chicken out in difficult times. 

6. Be responsible. Follow up on promises and follow through on tasks. I can tell you with absolute certainty that there is no greater disappointment than realizing that you cannot rely on your doctor. 

7. Talk to me. I need your advice, comfort, and expertise; I am scared and discouraged—are you willing to take a seat, look me in the face, and answer my questions? Leaders welcome scrutiny of their communication skills. No one cares if a flunky is curt.

My Rules:

Don’t Walk In Cold to an appointment.  To make sure I do the best thing for myi ndividual prostate cancer, I need to educate myself. * Knowledge will empower my BS detector. When Dr. Thrasher and Dr. Emmott told me ADT is what I need and did not want to talk about imagining and combining other therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy, I didn’t just have to accept their advice on faith.  * Walk in the door ready to start the conversation at a different level.  I don’t have to spend time talking about the basics, things like Gleason grade and clinical stage and what they mean.  I already know.  I can have an intelligent discussion about the merits of a particularly treatment for my cancer, my likelihood of being cured, and risk of side effects. * I won’t blindly accept the opinion of a non-specialist– I know that my cancer requires a team approach.

Once I make an informed decision and carry it out, I never look back. Well, that is not entirely true, I look for lessons learned from that decision. The path is always forward: I continue to learn about PCa an dalways look ahead. What counts is today and what lies in the future. Yesterday is gone, so forget it, well, learn from it.

I educate myself as completely as possible and take the time I need, I always know that no matter the outcome of a particular choice, I make the best possible decision. That knowledge that I have thought my decisions through carefully is what is really important—and may be more important than the decision itself.  

I am in charge. Not my doctor. They need to be consulted and their opinions and ideas should carry weight as I make my decisions. But I never forget: it is my life, my today, and my future. I have made the best possible, fully educated decisions that makes sense for me, with the focus on long life. 

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This is the most will written piece I've seen since I was diagnosed with Stage 4 PC in January 2023. Your document should be utilized by doctors and hospitals! They should be handing it out to patients as soon as they are diagnosed with any cancer! When I share your writings with other people or on other forums, I'll be giving you credit. Nicely done!


I was just diagnosed a with Stage 4 a few weeks ago. I'm 54. I am now taking Abiraterone and Prednisol. Next week I get my first shots of Xgeva and Lupron from my oncologist at Phelps in Westchester. What meds have you taken that have been so successful? I'm learning so much, so quickly about something I never expected

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I'm am 64 and was diagnosed in January. PSA was over 200. I was put on Casodex for 2 months and started Abiretarone, Prednisone and given 6 month Lupron shot. My PSA is now under 4 and I feel good. Will be starting radiation next week - 20 sessions. Stay positive. It's a long haul. Do your own research and you can live a long productive life.


I'm am 64 and was diagnosed in January. PSA was over 200. I was put on Casodex for 2 months and started Abiretarone, Prednisone and given 6 month Lupron shot. My PSA is now under 4 and I feel good. Will be starting radiation next week - 20 sessions. Stay positive. It's a long haul. Do your own research and you can live a long productive life.

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I haven't heard of Casodex before. So many different treatments! I do a lot of research and I do plan on living a long, fun life. I'm retiring at the end of June at age 55. That was my plan from 30 years ago. I have lots off things I want to do and I really have a very different perspective about life since I was diagnosed (and also learned that I wouldn't be dead in a few months!). It's like I was given a new focus. Cheers, my PC brothers!


I haven't heard of Casodex before. So many different treatments! I do a lot of research and I do plan on living a long, fun life. I'm retiring at the end of June at age 55. That was my plan from 30 years ago. I have lots off things I want to do and I really have a very different perspective about life since I was diagnosed (and also learned that I wouldn't be dead in a few months!). It's like I was given a new focus. Cheers, my PC brothers!

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Likewise. Stay positive and enjoy every day. Also check into natural remedy supplements to traditional medicine. Trials have shown that certain mushrooms have shown to be very effective.


OMG! Your story is so sad & difficult to fathom! So, do I understand correctly, the docs you saw last summer never ran a PSA level on you? Have you ever had a PSA done? And, if so when?


Hello All,
My 71 y/o husband has metastatic PC. After pills, chemo, radiation we're now waiting for health fund to approve enzalutamide his oncologist prescribed. Hopefully this will give him some respite!! I find it very upsetting that no professional really "enlightens" one about the beasty long term side effects of chemo or radiation and that not every pain and ache means that mets are spreading... as obviously every patient is terrified this might be the case.
My husband was complaining about back pain and bowel issues and has been put on fentanyl which has also horrid side effects and even causes several of the pains and aches it's supposed to help with.
He's having a lower back/spine/waist ct this Thursday. The bowel marker test came back negative Thank God!
Can anyone here relate / comment please?? Wishing you all well being and peace of mind. Thank you.


I am 63. I was diagnosed with stage 4 in 2018. I had surgery, chemo, radiation, and Lupron. I made 4 yrs. cancer free. However, the beast just returned. I am reacting to your post because I am surprised that you have not been scheduled for surgery or chemo. Am i reading that correctly? You are just taking meds?

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