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I have been diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral nephropathy with pain in my feet only at night, and sometimes up my legs as well. I have tried Gralise, which worked but my insurance company would no longer pay for this medication. I've tried Metanx as well and that also worked and my symptoms went away. Now my symptoms are back and I'm using CBD oil on my feet at night. This helped for a while, but now I am experiencing pain in my feet during the day as well. I'm at a loss at to what to try next because I have also tried Gabapentin 100 mg, and I am loathe to try a bigger dose because of serious side effects. Also, I read that the Covid 19 vaccine can exacerbate PN, and I'm wondering if that is the cause of renewed PN. Whatever the cause of the renewed pain, I'd like to find some treatment that will reduce or eliminate the pain so that I can sleep at night.

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Replies to "I have been diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral nephropathy with pain in my feet only at night,..."

Welcome @mkay1, Sorry to hear that you are struggling to find a treatment to relieve your neuropathy pain. I also have idiopathic small fiber PN and posted my story in another discussion here - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/310341/. There are a lot of different treatments that members with neuropathy have found helpful. Learning as much as you can about your condition and what treatments may help is one of the tools in your control to help yourself. Here are a few discussions that might provide some help:

--- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/member-neuoropathy-journey-stories-whats-yours/
--- Small Fiber Neuropathy: What helps?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/small-fiber-neuropathy/
--- What helps the symptoms of Small Fiber Neuropathy?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/tingling-from-small-fiber-neurapathy/.

You might also find the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy helpful - https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/.

Have you looked into any lifestyle changes to see if they might help?

I sound like a broken record, but ask your doctor if you can try a different class of seizure medicine. Tegretol is working much better for me than Gabapentin, etc did.