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Long lasting hematoma on buttock

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Feb 6 3:29pm | Replies (17)

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I had one on my left buttock from a fall that took well over 6 months to go away. The doctor said not to worry about it. In fact, it disappeared so gradually that I didn't realize it was gone until I read your post. Hopefully, yours will do the same.

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Replies to "I had one on my left buttock from a fall that took well over 6 months..."

They do eventualy go away but mine were so big that it took almost 6 months to not notice anymore.

They had shrunk and were going lower into my abdomen and eventually they all went away. ( I had at least six of them)I don’t feel anything now.
While we’re on the subject of falling on our buttocks. I went to sit on the edge of the bed in the hospital and landed on my backbone after the bed moved because somebody forgot to lock it and it rolled backwards. I fell on my derrière and cracked my backbone and it’s never gone away. It’s milder now a few months later but I have to sit on each flank separetly as I can no longer sit and put pressure on it.

That's good news! When I looked again the bruise is no longer a half circle but just a small bruise now under the Hematoma. It is very very very gradually getting smaller I guess.

Thank you. This is very helpful. I have the same issue but it has only been a month. This gives me hope mine will be gone one day.