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Long lasting hematoma on buttock

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Feb 6 3:29pm | Replies (17)

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I had a 1/2 grapefruit size hematoma develop after an ICD replacement. My surgical team said they it was bigger than they’d ever seen before, and could go in and reduce it, but really preferred not to do anything invasive because of risks. So we iced aggressively at first. It took about 3 months for all the swelling and bruising to go away, very successfully. Now, I wasn’t sitting on my bruise, so it didn’t get the constant pressure your butt does! For peace of mind, I would get a doctor to look at it, even if it doesn’t hurt any more, so you can sleep easier.

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Replies to "I had a 1/2 grapefruit size hematoma develop after an ICD replacement. My surgical team said..."

I had to take Levonox injections in my abdomen because my blood level was too thin( I’m on Coumadin due to my artificial mechanical aortic valve) and Aortic torn aneurism.

Each injection resulted in a huge hematoma that ended up bruising my entire lower abdomen. I had to go to the hospital for 20 days because each hematoma bled into my lower abdomen.

The entire bottom of my abdomen was purple as a giant bruise and on the inside of my abdomen those bruises formed hard bleeding hematomas.
There was nothing they could do but admit me in-patient in the hospital.

I could rub my abdomen and feel each internal bleeding hematoma.
They said only resting until they start shrinking was the antidote. As the 20 days went each hematoma stopped bleeding and got smaller and sank lower in my abdomen until they disappeared and the external bruising went down.
But I still needed PT and OT because I spent so much time laying in bed I lost my ability to walk. I’m doing ok now and the bruising and hematomas are gone and I can walk with a cane.