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Hopeless Lethargy

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Apr 7, 2023 | Replies (15)

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This was an eye-opener for me. I have experienced several life altering situations this past year. I am now alone and being 88 years old it is frightening sometime. We had a very wet winter and there were many days I was afraid to go out. I found I had lost the will to do anything - even getting dressed. Most of my meals were sandwiches because I didn't/couldn't cook. I let all the dirty dishes pile up and just ignored them. Finally the sun came out and I was literally out of food. Had to force myself to get into the shower and put on some clothes. I went to the store for food and was also able to do some banking chores. That started unlocking some energy for me and now I am finally starting to come back to some kind of normalcy.

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Replies to "This was an eye-opener for me. I have experienced several life altering situations this past year...."

Hi, Marilyn! I am so glad to hear from you. When I first replied to the original post I wasn’t sure if my thoughts were just that, MY thoughts and had no idea others like myself are out there. What a relief to learn I am not alone and I am so thankful so many have shared similar experiences. Not pleasant to experience but nice to have people who understand.

A lot of us are older and just beginning to feel these same feelings of “now what?” Have no fear because you are not alone. At some point and sometimes more than once, we reach a crossroad and, well, I feel we get “stuck”. And can’t see anything good ahead.

Well, I am not a quitter and our feelings are all to real and agonizing but, it is okay and somehow we do get through the hard times. And that is where, I feel, I draw strength to keep going.

I totally understand your thoughts and you are absolutely right that when we run out of everything and don’t want to cook anymore but nothing, nothing fast that only requires a microwave; it is a horrible day, lol! But once over,I feel pretty good about myself.

Celebrate the little victories!!

Peace, love, happiness to you and thank you for your input!!