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Not really. I thought since I had visited doctors in several major hospital systems that had electronic record keeping in the NY metro area that they might be sharing info, but no. I must constantly remind doctors of documented tests and procedures I had years ago. I now carry paper copies of some of this info with me to my visits (for all the good it does). I sometimes wonder if doctors even review other doctors notes or test results. Sometimes I also wonder if they are listening to what the patient is saying in the allotted 10-20 minutes or whether they are just following some one-size-fits-all script.

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Replies to "Not really. I thought since I had visited doctors in several major hospital systems that had..."

Recently, I too have found need to use paper copies of notes, labs, and reports from healthcare providers to TRY to communicate with providers. Most of the time, not all, they aren’t reading what other providers - labs say. No authentic collaborative communication.
Electronic records could be a useful tool. My experience is they appear to be a bother and time consumer. People being people is, many times, not in the equation.
Healthcare system needs healing and the leadership and management to heal. Thank you !!