Functional tremors: Anyone had this?

Posted by Nemo @nemo, Dec 11, 2016

I've been diagnosed with functional tremors. Anyone else ever had this diagnosis.

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This is an interesting read this a.m. because I never knew about a functional tremor, but an article I just now read told the difference between what my doctor calls mine, and ET (Essential tremor). I think it sounds more like the FT for one reason anyway, because I don't shake when I'm napping or sleeping at night, in a total state of relaxing my brain so to speak.

Thank you both for your replies @bonnieechismaar and your reply @annierae ! I'll be doing some online research today, and see what else I can find on it. The tremor has always gotten crazy worse when I get upset, or if I had to take an important test in a class, I literally could not sign my name, or write anything. My head shakes side to side, and my left hand is the worst but right hand gets shakey as well. I have to some time drink with a straw so I don't soak myself, and won't eat in public at all.

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Your symptoms sound like mine although my left hand curls up. I bought a two handle mug and special fork knife because I have a hard time holding regular mugs and utensils. I also use straws.


Hi @purpleturtle Has yours been diagnosed? I find it so frustrating that the doctors I've seen can't come up with a cause for mine and I've had numerous tests done on me. That's why I finally started jumping into the books/online-articles and group studies. So far, Parkinsons has been ruled out. I am getting myself more isolated, just some days, because I feel so self-conscious about it but I am over-coming that. I knew exercise would be good for me so I joined a gym, and sometimes I shake pretty bad down there but I keep going 😉

I really think mine is atleast partially, a functional type tremor, one stemming from where my heads at 😉 lol 😉


I understand your frustration. Yes I was dia


Would you be ok with telling me what herbs are in the protocol bonnie? I went to the site, but I don't want to give them my info until I look into the herbs first? Is your husband still on the protocol, and how long has he been on it now?

Thank you much for any help, you don't need to tell me how much etc. just the names of the herbs, no brands necessary 😉 Denise

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Yes, I would like to know too
Thank you


I understand your frustration. Yes I was diagnosed by my motion doctor with a DaTscan which ruled out Parkinson. He does many tests each time I see him (touching my nose, drawing a circle, writing etc) . He ruled out essential tremors because both hands are effected although the left is much worse than the right and the face twitching. I also have balance problems which they are unable to figure out the cause. I have to walk with a cane. He sent me to Occupational therapy for my hands which helped some. I have at home exercises to do. I had reactions to the drugs he tried me on (Propanadol and Primidone) so now he wants to do botox.


I understand your frustration. Yes I was dia

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I think many things are treated "only" for the symptoms, not the "causes" and that's not all doctors, I never mean to say that, but our doctors are very swamped, and limited in what they can provide for someone like me that has only Medicare/and Medical for lower income. Another reason I try to figure out some things I might try.

I do have coverage for some procedures, as well as "types" of doctors. I am going to see today if I need a referral to an ENT because although "I think" it's all allergy, it could also be LPR from my stomach. LPR is a reflux issue where unlike acid reflux, you don't feel it. Long name is called Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. I admit to avoiding the tests by an ENT because they look awfully uncomfortable but I think I need to bite the bullet and go for it to find out for sure where it's coming from. For me, if it is LPR, it goes right along with my sinus allergies which is double trouble 😉


I’m not a doctor but I suggest you ask your doctor his suggestion on how to wean yourself from Primidone.


I’m not a doctor but I suggest you ask your doctor his suggestion on how to wean yourself from Primidone.

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My, above comment, was in reference to another comment. Please disregard.


I found this article helpful.
I don't know if MINE even count, as MOSTLY I get my bad shakes while sitting during a head rush after taking a dose of my MMJ (Medical MariJuana).
I don't know if this is the appropriate spot, but here goes...

Head rushes and body shakes
I get head rushes. Often. I read up some on them and know that they are, for the most part, benign. Causes stem from many things I am enduring, such as dehydration, low blood pressure, anorexia (not nervosa - I just can't seem to want to eat!), et alia..
I'd read that head rushes generally come from the same rete of nerves one uses when attempting to defecate.
My head rushes are not about so much about standing up. Those have become a familiar incident and I have no issue with those MINOR lapses.
Not ALL the time, but often when I toke from my bong, I get head rush. It is NOT all about what I am inhaling, but muscles being tightened, as I slightly lift off my seat while taking my deep breath. I have had them from not-so-hot-pot to good green.
THOSE head rushes get a little 'shakey'. Literally. My hand and arms shake quite a bit until the 'episode' ends. I don't know that I would refer to them as 'seizures'. I get the usual vision black out. I hear bells jingling. I am already sitting down.
I wonder if my sciatica is adding to the effect of the head rush? The only thing 'scary' is 'Will I come out of this?' I have come out sometimes needing a moment to assess where I am. And how long was I 'elsewhere'? And other questions that may come from someone 'unconscious', and not just a head rush.
70 years old
5' 8"
135 lbs.
Meds Reason
Cymbalta (Duloxetene) Depression
Gagapentin Depression/Pain
Tamsulosin HCL Enlarged prostate
Omeprazole GERD
Crestor (Rosuvastatin CA} Cholesteral
Acetominephine (Tylenol) Pain
Low-dose aspirin
NIFEdipine XL TAB Chest pain, angina
Mirtazapine Anxiety, depression
Thumbs up from cardiologist.
He told me 'Eat ice cream!!!!!' and 'Ethan, you have a good heart!' (To which MANY of my NON-medical friends responded 'We already KNEW that!!!)
My pulmonologist told me, 'I was amazed! For having a childhood in the 'Industrial North East' and an adult life is the sere dusty desert, there is not a single detectable ANYTHING in your lungs. They are, as the saying goes, 'Pure as driven snow.'
Oh, along with the sciatica I have 'sever disc degenerative disc disease; in C4-5 and C5-6. Et alia, according to latest xrays. And i assign MOST of my hand shaking while fully conscious to that. My typing is awful to start with, and jerky shaky hands make it even more difficult to strike the right key.
Just as I regained walking with sciatica, I lost mobility for an arthritic flare up in my right foot. That foot had ALWAYS felt odd, like there was something under it, but that had nothing to do with this 'ritis thing,
Been back for more PT on that. At this date, 4-6-2023, I have one more session.
Back to the shakes. That is all for background info. The body IS ALL CONNECTED, and one CANNOT treat ONLY ONE 'SYMPTOM', when there are SO MANY SYSTEMS involved.
Even something as 'simple' as 'the shakes'.
Thankmew to any reponses.
And PLEASE let me know if this is where this post ought be.

Kaptain Kat


Hi, so many medicines, maybe they cause the inner tremors. I have the too and no one knows what they are from, very annoying. Been to Neurologist, Endocrinologist, cardiologist, internist, take CBD/CBG, and it makes my blood pressure rise so nie I have to take a pill for that which I hate. I only take supplements, I don't smoke, or take alcohol, exercise every day 9 miles of MTB every morning, eat very healthy, no sugar or additives etc I also have Tinnitus but just ignore it 🤷🏻‍♀️

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