Ed @njed – I should be grateful, then, that my drop foot went away, even if I still have a tinge. Frankly, I'd pay it little mind if it weren't a number of doctors who've asked me to get up and walk about, so they could watch how I walk, who've said to me, "I see you've got a problem with your right foot. Have you ever had drop foot?" I too am a "furniture walker." That's why I'm inclined to turn down invitations to social events in other peoples' homes, especially homes I've never been to. Nights at home, when I have to get up from bed and go to the toilet, I know the path, not by foot-touch but by hand-touch: first the bureau top, then the bedroom doorpost, then the hallway wall, then the bathroom doorpost, finally the bathroom light switch. Your foot falling asleep but staying asleep analogy is painfully accurate! I also have a devil of a time getting friends to truly understand what my neuropathy is like –– to be able to "feel" it, if only in their imagination. Often I use the shipboard analogy to get across what walking feels like to me: like walking a ship's deck in a lightly rolling sea. You say you live near the beach. May I ask where? If I'd not mentioned it before, I'm a longtime New Yorker, with many memories of New Jersey, especially of Northern New Jersey. My first assignment in the service was Sandy Hook, and my first job after discharge was with the Bergen County Record in Hackensack. –Ray (@ray666)
In many ways, we have to learn how to adjust the way in which we live our lives to the ever-changing issues of PN. You develop a tooth ache, go to the dentist and it's fixed, pain gone. This is different. You go to the doctor and in many cases, you walk away with more questions than what you walked in with. I also am very comfortable around my known surroundings. For now, we deal with the symptoms and keep fingers crossed for our future and keep moving.