← Return to NETs: Scheduled for small intestine resection: What to expect?

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Healing thoughts to emmepoppins’ husband and mbg20 following their NET small bowel resection surgeries! Since my NET primary shares similarities I am interested in learning about your surgeries, tips &tricks to share and general healing techniques. My best to you both for quick healing.

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I’m home now after surgery and 8 nights in hospital, mostly in the ICU. It was really tough. I have additional problems with blood pressure and atrial fibrillation which posed additional issues. Dr used an open incision and removed about a yard of small intestine, a baseball size secondary tumor in mesentary, 2 cm primary in small intestine, gall bladder and appendix. Some tumors left because they were too close around the aorta. I’m awaiting the biopsy results and will meet with Drs in 2 days. Glad now to be at home, going for small walks and eating small, low fiber, hi soluble foods, and waiting for digestive system to get back into balance. I’m taking a second lanreotide does in 3 days and hoping for fewer side effects than with first shot. Progress is generally upward with occasional setbacks. It’s helped to have bought a portable, raised toilet which puts less stress on that 8” incision. Also got a shower chair so didn’t have to stand in shower. And the other thing is we’re stocked up on chicken thighs and breasts to make mild chicken noodle soup eaten over mashed potatoes (potatoes have good nutrients and you can’t eat many other vegetables.) This meal is easy to make, digest and defrost when it’s mealtime. Ive also learned not to drop pain meds too early - less pain means more willingness to walk and walking really helps immensely to relieve bowel pain.