Journaling - The Write Stuff For You?

Posted by Ginger, Volunteer Mentor @gingerw, Jun 19, 2020

Long ago –okay, for me, it was long ago!- it was common for a young person to keep a diary, a place to write down the heartaches and giggles of growing up, the trials and tribulations of school, friendships, sports and activities. Sometimes it was a locked book, so that we felt secure knowing our secret thought remained a secret.

How times have changed! While I no longer keep a classic diary, it is no less important for me to write down thoughts, ideas, and heaven-knows-what, on a regular basis. Nowadays, the common name is a “journal”, and seems to appeal to every segment of society. There are an abundance of ways to do this, and so many reasons why. Although I prefer longhand, many people use a computer, and there are any number of prompts/styles/methods.

Let’s explore this together!

Do you journal? What prompted you to start? What would you tell someone who wants to start?

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I started art journaling 5 years art style has changed over the years based on new techniques that I want to learn, or just what moves me for that day. Pinterest is a great source for ideas. I love, love, love working on it and it's the first thing I do every morning. Now I'm working on 2 different art journals at the same time - one includes my writings and the other doesn't. When we travel I have a bag that I bring all my supplies - pens, watercolors, various papers, glue, and anything else I grab. Sometimes when were traveling and I don't want to bring all my supplies, I'll 'pay it forward' and complete several pages ahead. Then all I need to do are my daily writings.


Thank you, you are a kind and thoughtful writer. As time progressed, I had read to her all of her personal library that was light enough, and then she turned to me, eyes glinting. "Make me laugh" she said. "I can't seem to sleep now without laughing", (which was true). Just a laugh or two." "You can make me laugh." And the kicker. "You'd do it if I was a child." I can do this, in fact, but the strain is enormous. And I believe, in my own MM case now, my caregivers are suffering worse than me, feeling that every knot tied, every fish fried is inadequate and they must do it better.
Enough complaining. Ginger, how would you progress if you were me? I want to move my case from the team in Taiwan to the US, where a great team would regulaarly monitor my strange lack of disease. And lack of stamina, typing this short note took forever. I have no 2ndary issues, I'm a carefully polished 70 years old white mail. The first white male served by the Taiwan hospital who have done great things.
Thank you.
Roy Hirst

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@hongshan Roy, that was very astute of your wife to hook you like that, "You'd do it if I were a child"!

As for your current situation, if you have plans to move your care to the US, here is a link that might be of service to you for getting setting up with Mayo Clinic:
Of course, in almost every case, they first thing is a complete physical to rule out any other concerns to also be addressed. You might humbly ask your care team what they advise you to do, to ensure the best care possible. they may very well agree with you to have care from another source?


@hongshan Roy, that was very astute of your wife to hook you like that, "You'd do it if I were a child"!

As for your current situation, if you have plans to move your care to the US, here is a link that might be of service to you for getting setting up with Mayo Clinic:
Of course, in almost every case, they first thing is a complete physical to rule out any other concerns to also be addressed. You might humbly ask your care team what they advise you to do, to ensure the best care possible. they may very well agree with you to have care from another source?

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Our family plan is to relocate us, husband, wife, black floppy (rescued) dogs n'all, to a US location where the first criterion is that medical service is close by and is excellent. You guys, for example. We will live in the USA, not TAIWAN. I am officially domiciled in WA and have been a resident of Duvall WA a long long time. I went to TW to claim my bride and lost almost 3 years waiting for COVID to go away. I have even been warned against sunlight especially in Kaohsiung, where the air quality is industrially toxic.

It will take us a while to get my wife's green card, because of COVID the immigros are a couple of months behind. I am delighted to be discussing coming back into your arms, But, forgive me Mayovies (?), your winter climate sucks and a Northern winter is a shock to a tropical lotus eater.


Our family plan is to relocate us, husband, wife, black floppy (rescued) dogs n'all, to a US location where the first criterion is that medical service is close by and is excellent. You guys, for example. We will live in the USA, not TAIWAN. I am officially domiciled in WA and have been a resident of Duvall WA a long long time. I went to TW to claim my bride and lost almost 3 years waiting for COVID to go away. I have even been warned against sunlight especially in Kaohsiung, where the air quality is industrially toxic.

It will take us a while to get my wife's green card, because of COVID the immigros are a couple of months behind. I am delighted to be discussing coming back into your arms, But, forgive me Mayovies (?), your winter climate sucks and a Northern winter is a shock to a tropical lotus eater.

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The picture shows Curly Bear, who dressed up in everything including magic symbols, to talk with the white guys. Takes time, I guess.


I love writing! Years ago, I learned about a writer/artist, Julia Cameron. I read most of her books and began to journal. Inspired by her work, I do something many mornings I call, "garbage out." That is, I free-write anything and everything that comes up in my word processer. Most days I do not keep those entries....but I find that when I am finished, I feel better...almost a freedom of sorts or maybe some type of brain chemistry change occurs.
Throughout my pancreatic and breast cancers, I was so anxious, that I began to write prayers on my trips down to Mayo Clinic from Eagan. Yes, I wrote in my hand on the wheel and one on the paper. (No, I don't do that anymore!) The prayers helped as did recording them on paper. In 2014, a book I wrote was published. (That was not my intent when I wrote the prayers...I merely needed to help myself process the pain, grief, uncertainty, etc.)
Since then, I began to study writing at MN State University in Red Wing. Though it took longer than I intended, I finished the program (Creative Writing Certificate) and will graduate in May. I learned so much and continue to learn through writing. Yes, I have had other things published, but again, that was never my goal...just thankful someone else wanted to read what I wrote.
Back to journaling for health.....yes, it helps me. Yes, it is a valid tool. It helps to change my brain chemistry and I still need that with my chronic, unrelenting anxiety that has decided to make it's permanent home within in.
Thank you for providing this safe space for me to tell you that journaling and writing has helped me cope with so much of the "stuff of life."
P.S. I am not on any author's or organization's payroll. 🙂


I love writing! Years ago, I learned about a writer/artist, Julia Cameron. I read most of her books and began to journal. Inspired by her work, I do something many mornings I call, "garbage out." That is, I free-write anything and everything that comes up in my word processer. Most days I do not keep those entries....but I find that when I am finished, I feel better...almost a freedom of sorts or maybe some type of brain chemistry change occurs.
Throughout my pancreatic and breast cancers, I was so anxious, that I began to write prayers on my trips down to Mayo Clinic from Eagan. Yes, I wrote in my hand on the wheel and one on the paper. (No, I don't do that anymore!) The prayers helped as did recording them on paper. In 2014, a book I wrote was published. (That was not my intent when I wrote the prayers...I merely needed to help myself process the pain, grief, uncertainty, etc.)
Since then, I began to study writing at MN State University in Red Wing. Though it took longer than I intended, I finished the program (Creative Writing Certificate) and will graduate in May. I learned so much and continue to learn through writing. Yes, I have had other things published, but again, that was never my goal...just thankful someone else wanted to read what I wrote.
Back to journaling for health.....yes, it helps me. Yes, it is a valid tool. It helps to change my brain chemistry and I still need that with my chronic, unrelenting anxiety that has decided to make it's permanent home within in.
Thank you for providing this safe space for me to tell you that journaling and writing has helped me cope with so much of the "stuff of life."
P.S. I am not on any author's or organization's payroll. 🙂

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@artgirl2 Yes! Writing can be so therapeutic. I love the books from Julia Cameron, and have almost all she has written. Like you, they have been a stepping stone for me.

Have you tried using a voice activated recorder rather than writing while driving?


Our family plan is to relocate us, husband, wife, black floppy (rescued) dogs n'all, to a US location where the first criterion is that medical service is close by and is excellent. You guys, for example. We will live in the USA, not TAIWAN. I am officially domiciled in WA and have been a resident of Duvall WA a long long time. I went to TW to claim my bride and lost almost 3 years waiting for COVID to go away. I have even been warned against sunlight especially in Kaohsiung, where the air quality is industrially toxic.

It will take us a while to get my wife's green card, because of COVID the immigros are a couple of months behind. I am delighted to be discussing coming back into your arms, But, forgive me Mayovies (?), your winter climate sucks and a Northern winter is a shock to a tropical lotus eater.

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@hongshan There are many things to consider when making a large geographic move like that! This year, it seems noone is immune to strange weather cycles, even here in Oregon where I live! It sounds like you have time to step through the process, writing out pros and cons for areas to choose. Then let those list linger a short time, and review them, to see if your thoughts have changed. As a resident of Duvall area of Washington, how far would you be from good health services and University of Washington?


@artgirl2 Yes! Writing can be so therapeutic. I love the books from Julia Cameron, and have almost all she has written. Like you, they have been a stepping stone for me.

Have you tried using a voice activated recorder rather than writing while driving?

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Hi Ginger- So fun that you enjoy Julia's work, too. I went to one of her workshops years ago and learned so much.
I don't write and drive anymore at the same time anymore...but that would be a good idea, if I needed it. 🙂


@hongshan There are many things to consider when making a large geographic move like that! This year, it seems noone is immune to strange weather cycles, even here in Oregon where I live! It sounds like you have time to step through the process, writing out pros and cons for areas to choose. Then let those list linger a short time, and review them, to see if your thoughts have changed. As a resident of Duvall area of Washington, how far would you be from good health services and University of Washington?

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I have had excellent "accident" service locally but complicated it. In great pain, I mistakenly listened to the diagnosis of my window cleaner - tummy problem, you have days yet, and so only allowed 40 minutes to ER, when the actual prognosis - with 40 minutes to death - was 40 minutes. Too little ambulance time, stayed in mah truck. Just made it. Am now rated by my family as the worst possible expert on treatment. We are sifting through senior oncology faces online one by one, this was the procedure in TW, where really professional professionals are in short supply.

As you suggest, we are slowly browsing from the top 5, then repeat. A pleasure finding you so early in the cycle. Once we have found a good team, and I a more exact window cleaner, we then start cursing the cold spells. Do you by chance, by chance please, have a name you can suggest? 2names, one name for general family med, perhaps one for MM?

Thank you
Roy Hirst
HongShan (=Red Hill)


I have had excellent "accident" service locally but complicated it. In great pain, I mistakenly listened to the diagnosis of my window cleaner - tummy problem, you have days yet, and so only allowed 40 minutes to ER, when the actual prognosis - with 40 minutes to death - was 40 minutes. Too little ambulance time, stayed in mah truck. Just made it. Am now rated by my family as the worst possible expert on treatment. We are sifting through senior oncology faces online one by one, this was the procedure in TW, where really professional professionals are in short supply.

As you suggest, we are slowly browsing from the top 5, then repeat. A pleasure finding you so early in the cycle. Once we have found a good team, and I a more exact window cleaner, we then start cursing the cold spells. Do you by chance, by chance please, have a name you can suggest? 2names, one name for general family med, perhaps one for MM?

Thank you
Roy Hirst
HongShan (=Red Hill)

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@hongshan It is always a personal choice when it comes to how we source out medical people in our lives, what works for one may not be the right fit for someone else. Just like our heslth issues and concerns, all are different.

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