Prostate cancer in large prostates

Posted by sailorman2003 @sailorman2003, Mar 31, 2023

My prostate is 111ml. Can I be treated with high intensity, short course radiation using image guided beams or stereotactic?
I have Gleason 9 prostate cancer.

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With a Gleason score of 9, I would be basing my decision from the information I received from the Radiation Oncologist and Surgeon. That's a very high Gleason so I wouldn't put off making your decision.


With a Gleason score of 9, I would be basing my decision from the information I received from the Radiation Oncologist and Surgeon. That's a very high Gleason so I wouldn't put off making your decision.

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My doctor wants me on Elegard for 3 months before the radiation. I was asking due to my own curiosity. I am doing exactly what the doctors tell me to do.


Have your prostate removed...too many problems with hormone and radiation.


Prostate Cancer Foundation ( has a thorough, free downloadable book which details different radiation treatments and may answer some of your questions.


Prostate Cancer Foundation ( has a thorough, free downloadable book which details different radiation treatments and may answer some of your questions.

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Thanks, I'll check it out.


Have your prostate removed...too many problems with hormone and radiation.

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I had Gleason score of 8's and 9 in January. I was put on casodex for 2 months and started Abiratarone and had a 6 month lupron injection. My PSA is now normal. Will do a short radiation of 20 sessions this month for the prostate and surrounding bones. I dont believe with gleason 9 they will remove prostate as cancer has already spread. I had no side effects from hormone treatment other than now getting some occassional hot flashes.


Sorry I may have jumped the gun,to tell if it has spread..he needs a psma pet..then decide...I just had too many problems with Lupron..mostly fatigue and mind.i live with my dog.. taking radiation now 4 weeks..feel like shit.. everyone is different.


I would have had my prostate removed..but the urologist was afraid that I would lose my other eye..blind in right.. detached retina..he wasn't exactly truthful..was concerned with my breathing...COPD..don't trust any of them..p.s. I'm 72 years old..wish I would never has the biopsy.. it's the numbers game..sorry. But I'm angry.. good luck to you.


Sorry I may have jumped the gun,to tell if it has spread..he needs a psma pet..then decide...I just had too many problems with Lupron..mostly fatigue and mind.i live with my dog.. taking radiation now 4 weeks..feel like shit.. everyone is different.

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My bone scan was negative and my PSA density is low, so doc thinks it has not spread. I will have the PSMA scan next week. I am 83 by the way


83 ?....I'll never make it
I have a vodka and a cigarette in moderation... pacemaker.. oxygen must have good genes...God bless... keep going....

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