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I have ordered cold gloves & socks to wear during the infusions however I am concerned about when the not being able to touch anything cold from the fridge or freezer begins. Like how long after the infusion ends? I have no idea what to expect.

I also plan to use Kali Phosphoricum 30c & Hypericum 30c homeopathic pellets plus CBD cream infused with essential oil to more easily absorb into the skin. I am now hearing that all of these are very beneficial. Beats taking Gabapentin, yet another drug, which doesn’t apparently work.

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Replies to "I have ordered cold gloves & socks to wear during the infusions however I am concerned..."

For me gabapentin worked in relieving symptoms. It nor any other drug I am aware of will promote regeneration of nerve endings. For that I did activities to stimulate circulation in my feet like walking as uncomfortable as it was, walking on warm beach sand, soaking feet in warm water and frequently massaging my feet.

As for touching cold items and eating/drinking cold items, it was at the third infusion that intolerance to cold began. That included skin exposure to outside cold air during the times I received infusions during winter months. It required wrapping a scarf around my face to prevent cold air from triggering the facial nerves.

My cold sensitivity started after the second treatment. Even a cool breeze would affect my face, throat/neck and hands. I wore gloves to take thing out of the refrigerator or freezer. Scarves helped. The sensitivity would disappear before each treatment (usually a couple days before) and nurses would always ask. Dose can be adjusted throughout treatment. It was only towards the end that symptoms lingered. They also continued to worsen for about 6 months after finishing chemo. Best wishes!