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A good doctor. Who? I’m disabled so I have horrible insurance and I have yet to find a good doctor. I have dealt with a lot of doctors giving me a wrong diagnosis over the last 10 years. I should be living a normal life but I’m disabled and I’ll have multiple poisoning because everyone has done the wrong thing and no doctors have cared I am going to just die this way because I’m 59 years old. I feeling that it’s impossible to rehabilitate so my options are either to cry all the time or get angry. And I’m doubting the possibility of rehabilitation because I am a nutritionist and a personal trainer. I have no support system, no good doctors and no good friends.

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Replies to "A good doctor. Who? I’m disabled so I have horrible insurance and I have yet to..."

Hi there @boonay, I'm Rachel. Sorry to meet you under such distressed times for yourself. I typically hang out in the chronic pain support groups because I have my fair share of it, too. I'm familiar, not so much with auto immunes, but with CRPS and central nervous system disorders. Also, the misery that you are in feeling isolated and defeated, but you are kicking enough to be on Connect, that is a good thing.

Being a nutritionist and personal trainer tells me you have had an education and learned how to help people become healthier and motivated. You probably encouraged them to do better for themselves. If you were to look at yourself as a client or someone you cared about, what would you tell you? What resources can you pull from for help? Sometimes we treat ourselves way crappier than we'd treat someone else.

I'm glad you are out of that apartment. Good riddance! I'm curious who helped moved you in originally? Your posts have been focused on what you don't have in this moment...can you strategize about what you do have and build on that? Getting out complaints, fears and frustrations is great but staying in that space without moving forward wont get you very far. What resources might your insurance provide for mental health? My daughter is on Medicaid so I get the whole poor insurance thing. It can be challenging for sure. Have you found another psychologist since your previous one passed away? Mental health has to be a priority because it effects our physical health and symptoms and snowballs. It sounds like you need support.

Give yourself grace and move forward one step at a time. You got this! Stay focused, stay strong. You've come this far through adversity. That tells me you're a fighter. There is always hope for rehabilitation progress if you believe in yourself, persevere and don't give up. What's one small positive step you can you focus on for yourself and build on? Reaching out here on Connect is a great example of advocating for yourself. What next?

Here are a few resources that may be useful for you. Detoxing should be under the supervision of a medical specialist. It can mobilize things that your body stored to try to minimize exposure to them, and in detoxing, you can be exposed to these toxins again. There are different detox pathways in the body, and detoxing is a normal process that happens in life as your body breaks down compounds it uses, for example hormones in the body that control various processes, as well as dealing with toxic substances. If you are unable to drive, perhaps a telehealth visit with a provider would be beneficial.

Environmental Medicine Doctors
There is a provider finder link for them at https://www.aaemonline.org/

Functional Medicine Doctors
There is also a provider search at Forum Health for functional medicine doctors.

The pioneer in the field of Environmental medicine was Dr. Rea. You can contact the practice he founded at https://www.ehcd.com . There is some information on their website and they do treat toxicity.

Here is a link to their page about Mold

This lab tests for environmental issues like mold toxicity and has some educational content. https://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/

This was a featured blog

Here is a link to an article about mold exposure testing and treatment

These are links to manufacturers of supplements often prescribed by doctors to aide in detox.

Some pharmacies sell these over the counter such as specialty pharmacies that do compounding like https://www.waucondapharmacy.com/

There are also online pharmacies that sell supplements for detox and you may be able to talk to a pharmacist about what may help you.

I hope some of this can help you find what you need.