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Hi, Ray
I went to a neurologist. They did blood test, sonogram on both legs and an EMG. I went back for a follow up. He looked at results and said everything look good. as I was getting ready to leave, he looked at me and said I have no idea what is wrong with your feet. My feet swell but swell really bad when I sit on the bar stool at home or when I'm driving.
Conrad Taylor

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Replies to "Hi, Ray I went to a neurologist. They did blood test, sonogram on both legs and..."

Hello, Conrad (@earlt)
It sounds as though you and I have undergone the same battery of tests. I find it curious, though, that you, too, have swollen feet. I've had similar experiences: doctors examining me for something entirely unrelated to my feet have often asked, in an offhand way, "Have you any idea why your feet are swollen?" Mine, too, swell and then un-swell, depending upon what I've been doing or what sort of shoes I have been wearing. To date, however, no doctor has linked my swollen feet to my neuropathy.
Ray (@ray666)

Try anti-embolism stockings to decrease swelling.

Conrad, you might find compression socks helpful for this. They come in different “strengths”. The 20-30mm are pretty snug. I don’t have swelling, but have heard others refer to them.