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I am really interested in knowing why people want to go through withdrawal why they want to get off of the drug so much it's very inexpensive and I've been on it for 30 years I guess what 1994 and I don't have any problems I've cut down from three a day to two a day 1 mg tablets I my doctors told me not to try to get off of it he says just take the least amount that you can take that you feel comfortable with i i am really confused about are any professional people advising the people on here to wean off of these drugs and if they are why are they on here asking questions of people on a board like this God bless you and I pray that you have great health and comfort

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Replies to "I am really interested in knowing why people want to go through withdrawal why they want..."

In my opinion, if a doctor is continuing to prescribe and it sounds like you have good relationships with your doctors, and it is right for you, by all means keep taking it. Doctors are being held accountable for prescribing benzos by their practices as was told to me by my doctor. I moved to another state and I have been to three doctors and a NP who would not continue me on benzos. I had to make a choice. I chose to taper. I kept my last bottle and in the last three weeks, only took .25mg due to situational anxiety and unable to sleep due to my inability to let go of my problem at the time. In the past 3 weeks, I have more energy than I have had in the past 15 years. I feel better off than on it. And it is a bugger to get off the drug. God bless you.

Everything I read about benzos has made me want to go off them. Wreaks havoc with your brain. I have been taking .5 mg of lorazepam for over two years, originally prescribed due to acute anxiety for a cancer diagnosis. Then relied on it to sleep. Stopped working for sleep and my doctor wanted me off it. His weaning protocol was too abrupt so I’m taking it very slowly. I’m now down to .125 at night and should be off it by May.