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Thank you Jan. When were you first diagnosed? I was just recently diagnosed. I have an inhaler for the bronchiectasis. It helps. I also take Tylenol.
What are your symptoms? Thank you so much for your quick response. Carol

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Replies to "Thank you Jan. When were you first diagnosed? I was just recently diagnosed. I have an..."

I was diagnosed with MAC in 2015 and then Bronchiectasis last year after ending up in ER coughing up lots of blood.

I have daily coughing spells bringing up about 20-30mil mucus. Bad during humid and high allergy days, which is often since I live on coast of Texas.

I started losing weight after my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He died 3 years ago next month and the following year my son was diagnosed with cancer. I attributed the weight loss to grieving and stress, but now realize it is another symptom. Add to that endless fatigue!

I have an inhaler, but I hesitate to use because of steroids causing bone loss. My mom had osteoporosis and Bronchiectasis and her continual use of steroids really caused her years of pain from broken bones.

Life gives us lots to deal with, but at least this is not life threatening, just annoying. I hope you are able to manage okay.

Keep in touch, Jan