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Exact same with me. I can walk to an elevator but then not be able to stand to wait for the elevator to arrive. I can walk to my doctors appointments but I cannot stop at the reception desk to check in without needing to sit down. During crashes, it is worse and without much walking before standing, like just going into the kitchen and standing at the counter.
I have been able to check my blood pressure a couple of times during these events and it was very low (~60/50), but since changing BP meds I am no longer seeing these low readings during these events. (I never had high blood pressure before Covid, and when I briefly went off the medication I had fewer, if any, of these standing-lightheadedness episodes.
Interestingly, one of these episodes happened when I went to my first electrophysiology appointments for possible POTS (I was not diagnosed with POTS). So during the multiple standing/sitting BP readings for POTS testing, I was having very low BP when sitting (because it was immediately after my standing-lightheadedness episode at the check in desk). As my lightheadedness was recovering, my BP was going up, so during the POTS test it showed my BP increasing while I was standing. The nurse said, “This is crazy!”
Ultimately, I have never received any medical explanation for this standing-lightheadedness, nor has there ever been much of any concern from all my many medical providers. I am grateful to hear that others are having this exact same experience and that it’s not just me - maybe it will one day get some traction in the medical field.
Another thing: I had occasional bouts of this and other Long Covid symptoms prior to Covid. Very mild and only lasting a day or two, a couple of times a year. This started happening approximately after a bad case of the flu in February 2011. So, I believe this supports some sort of post-viral condition and/or a reactivation of something dormant.

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Replies to "Exact same with me. I can walk to an elevator but then not be able to..."

Oh my gosh, someone with the exact thing as me! I was beginning to think I was going nuts because nobody had the exact same thing while stopping and standing. I try to explain this to the doctors and I really don’t think they’re taking me serious, but this is really disrupting my daily activities. I’m stuck on the couch for six weeks now. I cannot do anything. I tried going to the grocery store yesterday, and I had to cut it short and there was nobody in line in front of me, but I had such a hard time putting the groceries on the counter because I was standing still.
I do go for the tilt table test to see if this is POTS next week, so I guess I will find out then.
And also the same as you it sounds like - all my post Covid symptoms are things I’ve experienced every now and then for a short period of time for years now, but now I have it all at the same time and constant and severe. I tried to explain that to the doctors also but I really don’t think they listen. I need a good doctor that has experience and this, but I can’t seem to find one.